Tofu and Tempe

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3 years ago

Soybean as a food commodity is widely used for various kinds of processed foods. But not only food, even drinks can be made from soybeans. Talking about soybeans, there are 2 types of food that are very popular with Indonesians, especially Indonesians who live on the island of Java in particular. However, these 2 types of food are also liked by other Indonesians outside Java.

Tofu and tempeh. Two types of food produced or made from soybeans. These two types of food are very popular with Indonesians in general. Because besides the cheap price, it is easy to get and can be made various kinds of dishes from these 2 types of food.


If we talk about tofu, it seems that this type of food does not come from Indonesia, but actually comes from the country of the bamboo curtain, China. Where immigrants from ancient China who traded with indigenous people of the archipelago then settled and left one of the characteristics of their regional food in Indonesia. And coincidentally, Indonesian tongues match this type of food so that it becomes popular and becomes one of the foods that can be said to be populist and down to earth in the end.

Various forms of processed foods that can be made from tofu include tofu vegetables, tofu cakes, stir-fried tofu, and others. The most common is usually tofu served as a snack that is just fried or mixed with flour so it is known as fried tofu.

Fried tofu can be served as a complementary food ingredient or as a snack in spare time when gathering or enjoying time with family or friends.

If you are lazy to make your own, every day there must be someone who sells fried tofu outside at night or in the morning. So it's easy to get or buy it any time. As a folk snack that spreads from street vendors to food stalls or large food stores.


For this one, the shape and manufacture is different from tofu. Although the essence is the same as using soybeans. However, Indonesians prefer tempeh to tofu. Because more preparations can be made with tempeh as a complementary dish at mealtime. Such as stir-fried tempeh, anchovy tempeh, orek tempeh, fried tempeh, chili tempeh, vegetable tempeh and many others.

There are similarities between tempe and tofu problems as a food dish for Indonesians. As a snack dish in your spare time, tempeh is often an easy choice or preparation. As a popular snack which has now also become popular and has been exported abroad. In the form of crispy tempe chips, savory and delicious.

As a cheap and popular culinary in Indonesia, tempeh is the same as tofu which is found in various parts of Indonesia. In the morning, afternoon, and evening, there are also many who sell fried foods made from this tempeh base. We can say tempe is the same as rice which is a staple for Indonesian citizens. Without tempeh, it feels like a day's meal is incomplete.

If you ask me which of these two types of food do I prefer, I prefer tempeh. Almost every day I make preparations from tempeh as a side dish for my family. The reason is actually because of one thing I mentioned above. The problem is that the price is cheap but can be served with many types of preparations. With 5000, IDR only or equivalent to $ 0.35 in bch when converted at the time of this writing, around 0.00045 BCH, already two pieces of tempeh that can be used as various processed forms are quite cheap, quite cheap right? . Besides being easy to process, it also doesn't need special skills to process food ingredients from tofu and tempeh. And the more value from this food is nutritious and fills the stomach in essence. ️

Those are two types of food from my country, Indonesia, which are very popular from ancient times to the current robotic era. Which is also sometimes every night when I work online to accompany me as a snack at work. How about you, what is your favorite food and is loved by most of your citizens?

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Written by
3 years ago


The ways you analysed the other sub or bi products of the soybeans is really awesome but my worry is that here in Nigeria, we don't make other bi-prouucts from soybeans and like the tofu and Tempe, I think I'd like such to be made here in Nigeria so we can at least have the privilege of tasting something anew order than the usual ones known to us

$ 0.01
3 years ago

This both dish are new to me glad to know about this Indonesian dishes. It seems to be very delicious. I will search for it's recipe and try to make it if it is not much time taking:)

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Soybean products can't really match my taste. Haha, maybe I just have a different preference. I can only manage to drink soymilk sometimes.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Hmm Seems kinda interesting. Btw, here I love biriyani, and most people here also love biriyani.

$ 0.05
3 years ago