The Seven Summits of Indonesia

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2 years ago

Indonesia as a tropical country consisting of several large islands and small islands has various kinds of natural beauty created in it. From the variety of plants, animals, and mountains that stand firmly on every island.

For this time, I would like to introduce the existence of mountains or mountains in Indonesia, where these mountains can also represent the existence of islands on the earth, beloved Indonesia. But maybe we will only discuss a few of them because if we discuss them one by one it can be said that there are very many mountains in the Indonesian archipelago. So that we will only discuss maybe the 7 highest mountains in each of the largest islands on earth, Indonesia. And also better known as The Seven Summits of Indonesia.

1. Mount Kerinci

Image by iqbal nuril anwar from Pixabay 

As the highest mountain representing the Sumatran archipelago, Mount Kerinci is a towering mountain in the archipelago. Being home to various kinds of rare plants and animals that exist in Indonesia and in the world. This mountain is also one of the volcanoes in Indonesia, which means it is a type of mountain that is still active and can erupt at any time. Is the fifth highest mountain after the Jayawijaya Mountains in Indonesia. Located between two provinces in Indonesia, namely West Sumatra and Jambi. And has a beautiful lake named Seven Mountain Lake?

2. Mount Semeru

Image by agus santoso from Pixabay 

Mount Semeru is the highest mountain to represent the island of Java. It is located in the East Java area and is one of the highest mountains which is a favorite for mountaineers in Indonesia. Mount Semeru is also included as an active mountain, which in 2022 has just spewed its lava. It has a variety of flora and fauna, and there is a lake that is quite liked by climbers and travelers, namely Lake Ranu Kumbolo. Being the seventh highest mountain among the highest mountains in Indonesia

3. Mount Rinjani

Image by Indhira Adhista from Pixabay 

Discussing this one mountain cannot be separated from the exoticism of the archipelago it inhabits. Yes, Mount Rinjani ranks sixth as the highest mountain and is still active in Indonesia. Located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Rinjani also has a lake called Lake Segara Anak. A popular plant from Mount Rinjani is Edelewis Rinjani.

4. Mount Latimojong

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As a representative of the highest mountain in the islands of Sulawesi, precisely in the area of ​​​​South Sulawesi. Occupying the ninth position of the highest mountain range in Indonesia. Has seven peaks, and has a famous beauty is the charm of the Moss Forest above the clouds. This mountain is also not a volcano, so it is included in one of the inactive mountains or will not spew lava.

5. Mount Jaya Wijaya

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Is a mountain that has the highest peak from the first to the fourth position. The peak of Wijaya is a mountainous area that is also still covered with snow at its peak. Located in the islands of Papua, West Irian, Indonesia. As the most beautiful natural charm and is a place for Indonesia's diverse natural wealth in it. Puncak Jaya Wijaya also has a lake called Idenberg or also known as Ngga Pimsit, which became famous as a mysterious lake in the Jaya Wijaya area.

6. Mount Bukit Raya


As a representative of the Kalimantan archipelago, Mount Bukit Raya is the highest mountain in Kalimantan and is located in the province of Central Kalimantan. This mountain is the same as Mount Latimojong in Sulawesi, which is included in the category of an inactive mountain or not a volcano. The beauty of the flora and fauna in it represents the existence of the island of Borneo, along with the existence of beautiful rivers that flow very clear water will always accompany climbers to the top of Bukit Raya.

7. Mount Binaiya

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Located in the Indonesian Moluccas archipelago, precisely on the island of Seram. Mount Binaiya belongs to the karst mountains and is not active. Mount Binaiya Lake is also very attractive because it is called a smoky lake and emits bubbles but the water is blue but not hot. The lake is called Lake Ninivala, is located near a village called Piliana village, and is also known as the Land Above the Clouds. Because almost every day this area is shrouded in thick clouds.


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Written by
2 years ago


That was an interesting insight into the mountainous range of Indonesia. Being a travelling lover, I would love to see these mountains one day. You have made me add another beauty to my travel bucket i-e Indonesia.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Mount semeru looks so cute and it's the first I would like to visit amongst all others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is a very beautiful country. I like to visit it in the future. I think our culture is similar to some extent. Ever you visited Pakistan?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Getting such new information through this source about a particular place is really informative. When going through I saw the name of Mount Jaya Wijaya. Both Jaya and Vijaya refers to the nane of person's here. One of the most common name for ladies here especially in the south. Wijaya is written as Vijaya. Another new info for you

$ 0.02
2 years ago

In Mount JAYA is that a snow?looks like a snow

$ 0.02
2 years ago