The last meal

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Freewrite, Write

Unexpected events become things that change the side of the journey of every human life in the world. Without being separated, everyone from the upper and lower classes can actually be said to have experienced an incident where we as humans found conditions when we tasted the last meal.

Without exception, and I think that's for sure. Although the situation is different. If it's in the upper class, maybe the reason just revolves around running out or being late to taste what they want to eat at that time.

In contrast to the lower classes or what we usually call people who can't afford it. Feeling the condition every time they meet the last meal, they must often feel it. The basic reason is because of their inability to financially, of course.

From these two types of people, it can be seen that there is a very big difference in feeling the condition of meeting the last food situation. When viewed from conditions like this, this is the reason why we as humans, in general, must be grateful for what we can and feel. Especially talking about food. The thought of experiencing daily life if we were in a position to meet the latest food conditions certainly makes our hearts so sad. Thinking about whether tomorrow there will be more food to eat, not because it's running out or it's too late.

Not discussing the word giving to each other or because someone's lazy condition makes it happen. At least it is returned to the position of humanization of the feeling of feeling the same suffering about our needs as living beings who need to eat to live, of course, this will provide value for gratitude, togetherness, and finally willingness to share.

The day that we go through is always intersected with the word food. What to eat today is a question of the shape of the food we eat, which can be interpreted as choosing the shape or taste of the food we want to eat. And in contrast to whether we are going to eat today, or is this the last meal for us?

The last meal becomes a basic value of taste which is presented not only by taste but also by feeling. Remembering when we eat food into our mouths on the other side of the world there are people who sit quietly and helpless to get what they eat.

The last meal for them is not a dessert-like us. Not a final connotation because it is not obtained. When imagining the condition of the existence of the side of someone who is nearing death and becomes his last food is another reminder of our existence in this world, that nothing is eternal in this world for all kinds.

The last meal may indeed have different meanings for everyone. It depends on the situation and the conditions he faces when he feels the last meal. Me, you, and anyone else must have felt it. Both in a slumped condition, as well as in a condition that is insufficient condition. A balance will be the presence of a value of gratitude and gratitude for what has been obtained.


Lead Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay 

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Freewrite, Write


Interesting write up , keep publish more 🤗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Nice title with a lovely write up. Its true that food is tasted by different means by different people. Only the people who face hunger can feel the taste of the food. The rest of them just because they have to eat.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I understand the deep meaning.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You truly believe only at the other side of the world people do not have a meal, a dessert? Try next door, or have a look at the street. When did we start to ignore what happens in our own country, own village, own street? When did we decide all those lives don't matter and hunger only takes part at the other side of the world? Btw if we all believe this this means we are someone's other side of the world or?

$ 0.02
2 years ago