The happiest person in life

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3 years ago

Happiness is everyone's dream. If you can, and everyone wants to be happy. Various things and views on how to achieve happiness. So from there are also various perceptions of solutions to find the word happy..

So many and often said happy words for every human being. And in essence, no one in this world want to be suffer.

So because of this, a question arises, are there people who are the happiest in their lives?

As stated earlier in the first paragraph there will be various kinds of answers to the above questions.

Generally, many people think that wealth or money is the main factor in finding the word happy. Because it is imagined that everything can be bought because of money. But in reality no, because not everything can be bought with money.

There are also those who say health. Because with the existence of health conditions, happiness can be achieved. But the reality is not either. Because health does not make a strong reason to live happily. Being healthy but not having a job remains a problem as well.

Family or colleagues, not necessarily the word family can give the word happy. Either children or wife or something else. Because often various problems arise from family or colleagues. Either because of attitude or other things. Even though the family is indeed the closest and most dear to us.

And at the end of the word grateful is a word that can achieve happiness. But what kind of gratitude is it, it is not easy, and it is not easy to do the word gratitude in the process of life that we live daily.

So what if gratitude alone is a positive thing and a final answer is still not said in the sphere of the happiest people?

The happiest people in life are those who are able to make other people happy.
When people can make other people happy, there will be a sense of happiness that grows within them without being based. Even if you only see a reaction or a happy person's smile, you will feel happy because you are able to make other people happy.

There are many things that can be done to make other people happy, even if it is only from small things such as giving a smile, energy, help, or other things. Sometimes because of the word sincerity, there will be no more words of hope and because there is no hope by making other people happy, the effect of happiness felt by people is given to those who give happiness. Like the law of the tit for tat.

Giving happiness is not as difficult as other words to convey the search for happiness. Because of the variety of shapes from small to large, so much can be done. It does not require such complex conditions. Only sincere words and intentions are there to make other people happy. There are various forms, and it seems that all of them have actually been realized, but often we don't realize it happens to ourselves.

For example, if we are in trouble there is someone who helps us sincerely and sincerely. How we are happy that the burden is lightened at that time. And as a result for the person who helps gets the word happiness on him for being able to help.

Or even just with words. Making others happy with the kind and intentional compliments is not really insulting. How happy are people who get praise, and the impact, in the end, is to give happy words to people who have given words of praise for giving happiness to others.

Small and immeasurable, but great benefits for happy people. That's the happiest person in his life.

Just an opinion and just a view . It's not always the same, of course, there will be different views from each party. Keep smile and be nice always with others.

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Written by
3 years ago


The children are very happy. With small details, they thank you with a big smile. We adults complicate our lives too much, we stop seeing the details and let go of moments of happiness. Greetings.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Happiness can be found in anyform, even a simple things makes us happy, but for me the source of my greatest happiness in life is my Family, they brought joys and love to me. We can be happy if we choose to be happy, yet it just only depends on ourselves what we choose and what we feel, happiness is anything that makes a human being feel alive and good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happiness could be defined in many ways . A simply be contented of what we have and just embrace all the things in our life can make us happy in our own way. We supposed to value small things that comes along the way and that we'll be remind ourselves that even a negative situation has a positive side in it and brought us into the point of realization. Realization taught us lesson.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Happiness comes from various stimuli. It depends on the person if what makes him or her happy. For me, my happiness comes from my family. If I see them happy, I am also happy.😊

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Happiness is an expectation. The smaller the expectation, the greater the severity of happiness. If the expectations are high, it is impossible to make someone happy anyway.

$ 0.05
3 years ago