Studying Philosophy with Ease

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3 years ago

Some people must have experienced difficulties while studying philosophy. Even more so for those of you who are new to a basic philosophy. Even though I have read philosophy books many times, even to the point of understanding.

What things in life have no philosophical value? There is no. Then why do people when they hear the word philosophy, their face immediately shrinks? Is there something wrong when something is related to philosophy? I do not think it is right to respond to this with wrong assumptions about philosophy.

Before getting to the point I want to convey, I want to tell you a little about the days when I got to know philosophy. Hopefully, those who read can experience changes related to wrong perceptions regarding the world of philosophy.

Many say that studying can make people crazy. Who said that? Now, children who study philosophy can already make controversial statements. Are you sure he learned his philosophy right? Or maybe you read a book right away without being digested and thought about.

Well, this is of course caused by several factors and reasons. One of the reasons is because of the theme (the term used is difficult to understand or foreign to the ear.

The issue of fear of studying philosophy is also influenced by the demands of the ideology adopted. Some understandings firmly reject and even disbelieve philosophical things. It is sad if this becomes a limitation for people to know the mother of this knowledge. In fact, if we focus on the progress of a nation or country outside our country, the background of such great progress and state strength cannot be separated from the influence of the philosophy it has built. Then if it becomes an important matter, the question arises, it won't progress, right? Yes, it could, but it is not certain that it will also happen. But at least we can see that western progress is fundamentally based on philosophy. And if we study the history of western philosophy, we will find that many of them were promoters of the emergence of new things such as some of the progress we can feel today.

Some of the basic things to study philosophy consist of;

a.Historical Approach with variations.

b. Methodological Approach.

c. Analytical Approach with various variations.

d. Existential Approach

e. An integrated approach.

Basically, the methods mentioned above have their respective advantages and disadvantages. It depends on which method is considered more appropriate, suitable, and suitable for the reader. If these five things don't match, then the reader can then learn directly from the experts. Only then identify if the method is the right one.

With several factors that can prevent you from learning more about philosophy, this can be overcome in many ways. To find out, here are steps you can try to make it easier to understand philosophy.

-. Learn historically chronologically

The first thing that can be done for novice students of philosophy is to study from the history to the chronology. Through this method, it is hoped that you can find out the root cause of each theme that is being studied. For example, from the sociocultural, that is being faced by every philosopher.

Because by starting with knowing the history to the chronology of every thought of the philosophers, you can more easily understand the philosopher's sequence from A to Z.If you look at the importance of a philosopher's life, it can also be seen that in fact no product is produced without cause and effect.

-. Learn thematically

After knowing the first scheme of studying philosophy, the next step is for you to begin to understand and deepen every philosophical figure and his thoughts. But sometimes foreign problems still arise and the difficulty of understanding the language in each presentation. Of course, this can be an obstacle for you to understand the philosophical material that is being discussed.

-. Frequently asked questions and dressed up when

Some people who are acquainted with and even studying philosophy are obliged to frequently ask questions, focus, and often discuss themes. Don't let what you have read just become a breeze. It would be nice if what you have learned can always be remembered and added to.

To be able to add insights in accordance with the discussion, it can be explored by always asking other people. Even so, it is not uncommon when you are in dialogue with other people, you don't even focus because the discussion is getting wider and harder to understand. Autofocus brains can receive knowledge of philosophy.

-. Often participate in philosophy discussion forums

Learning is not only through philosophy books, but sometimes you also don't understand the theme that is being studied. By frequently following discussions anywhere not only increases your knowledge of philosophy but can also practice your public speaking as well. Do not let you feel satisfied with the knowledge that has been obtained. You can explore this by discussion.

-. Link with the current phenomenon

Apart from reading, having dialectic and discussion, learning can also be done in any way. When you have obtained sufficient knowledge of philosophy, then you can relate it to the phenomenon that is happening. The benefit is that you can think critically about phenomena so you can find solutions.

With this, you will not only learn the basic theory. But how can we solve this problem with the knowledge that has been learned?

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Written by
3 years ago


nice written article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Philosophy is one of the subject i like when i'm still studying 'coz u will learn a lot from it, thank u for the upvote :)

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I think if they will focus they will truly learn but some people were controlled with the power of their mind disliking. Philosophy.

$ 0.01
3 years ago