Spread the beauty of Nature

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Journey, Writing, Nature

Morning sunshine bursts out sweet, as sweet as coffee when it sticks, dewdrops still make an impression among the groves of plants. In the emptiness of the soul there is an emptiness of the body, keep thinking when I see the blue sky, staring at the clean white clouds. I am truly grateful that I can always feel God's gift, an irreplaceable pleasure. Somehow things are different today, I never imagined that when I opened my eyes there were nuances and there would be new experiences that would occur. Will this last long?

Between the roar of my breath, there was one word that somehow just crossed my mind. Sincerity. Maybe there you were muttering about my sincerity to defend this feeling for you.

I once made the conclusion, that sincerity is doing something without a reason. And that's how I maintain this taste for you. Until now, I have no reason why this taste is already there for you.

I walked slowly, lowering my head because of the unfulfilled dream. I tried to look up, I saw that the morning sun was still shining brightly, a wave of clouds slowly shining up there as if it implied a very pleasant beauty. Ah, forget it, you weren't coming this morning.

I kept moving away, leaving the place where I used to spend my mornings there. Keep going, closing the wait this morning with a little disappointment.

I bowed limply at the end of this morning. Everything seemed to be slowly disappearing; Those hopes, the images that had been flashing in front of me, and the whispers, all slowly collapsed one by one. Maybe this is my story sheet, everyone can also wait among the disappointments that come and go, come and go.

Will I keep waiting according to my determination, until time doesn't give me another chance? The wind began to spread the beauty of nature, the sun began to rise in the distance, while the crowd began to dominate everything. Maybe I'll end my waiting for this morning. I will go home. Somehow I never feel bored reading this pen sketch, like the flowing water makes me lulled and sometimes makes me fall asleep just like that. I'll be waiting for you in ten minutes. After that, I'll go home, ending my wait for this morning.

I had read perfectly all the real things in that dream. And I can imagine. I can not make it happen even if it will only be finished soon. Said Wait for me, only the words that will pass. Continuing to walk upstream, rushing to forget what never awaits, is a pleasant ending to my feelings and journey that continues through time.

Time will pass freely. Joking around the kids around me, I can't just ignore it. I kept on walking, through every gap, through various obstacles with prayer. I often saw birds perched in the trees staring at me sharply. Ah, he just looked at me like that, just like everyone else. The universe always has its own way of going. Whereas we can only follow the course of the universe. A Cradle of trash which made me trapped for a moment weaved a thick but brittle thread.

Sometimes I also try to fight back, is it that easy for me to give up on a definition of destiny? Pairing all this belief with all doubts, or is it dismissing this doubt and convincing oneself as a definition capable of changing the word destiny? Like the meaning in comparison that will change the final result of each answer. Sometimes that's what makes me always ready to step up and I have to be bigger ready to accept. A feeling that always tickles me inside about a feeling of pessimism above a little bit of optimism, or maybe more precisely surrender.

Instantly the shadows stopped. As the morning wore on, the numbers appeared on the wall of the heart in a messy, lingering thought. It was as if they had seduced me to close this tale and leave it alone in the shadows in its most hidden corner. This body may be weak, these eyes can tire, but not the heart. Like an ornament, of absolute worth, infinity, and so on over and over, the same and let it go on.

Walk alone without a string of words, in fact, everyone will definitely experience it. The thing that I don't like from now on when the wise boasting points out that I'm not yet an adult… it's even worse when I say God in front of me, instead of solving the problem but instead adding to my problem with sins. Trying to guide me logically and logically from the experiences of the mushrooms they wrote motivated me to continue to rise to face a better future. Because we think we don't live in the moment and live not only for one thing, but there are still many things we need to do. Teaching me how difficult it is to find tranquility seems to be at the same time two different functions when outside or inside the house.

My ignorance makes thoughts that I don't believe in, even though I know myself that I don't do this kind of thing anymore. We live still need the role of people around us even though sometimes we really hate it but if we are in touch with them, without sincerity like the word slowly but surely I understand what is said about true sincerity and life is incomplete without sincerity from there I also get additional meaningful things in this life.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Journey, Writing, Nature
