Sponge cake

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Written by
3 years ago

This story begins in a small family in a village, where there are 3 siblings. Namely, Afa, Laya, and Rafa. They live with their grandmother, their parents have been away for a long time. Rafa used to be called by his brother Fatty because his body was bigger and fatter than the other two siblings. And there is something Rafa really likes about food, namely the steamed sponge cake made by his grandmother.

They have long moved to the village to join their grandmother since the departure of their parents in the city. In the village, they now live with their grandmother in a small house that their grandmother has lived in for a long time, an inheritance from their deceased grandfather. For a small family like the three of them and the grandmother, it is quite suitable for occupancy. And their lives now depend on their grandmother, who has a small business, to sell cakes that are left in every shop in the village they currently live in.

The house that they diligently look after and clean together every week works devotedly to help the grandmother so that the legacy of her grandfather, which they live in, is maintained in good cleanliness and its environment.


One day the grandmother gave the steamed dumplings she made to her favorite grandchild, each of which got 2 steamed sponge cakes that had been evenly cut. Alfa keeps the steamed sponge 1 on the table, she keeps it for him to enjoy tonight. And Laya also has the same intention with her brother, to enjoy it tonight when they gather together to watch television shows. Meanwhile, Rafa ate it right away, cause you know, because this is his favorite cake and he also couldn't help but eat it right away.

And when night comes, Alfa and Laya wanted to enjoy the steamed sponge that they kept on the table this afternoon. But they didn't find it, because the steamed sponge cake they had stored was no longer there. So they both immediately accused Rafa of eating and having finished it. Because they know Rafa really likes steamed dumplings. However, Rafa did not want to admit it. There was a brief dispute between the three of them. Hearing the noise between the three grandchildren, the grandmother came to ask what happened and reconcile the election between them. So that the grandmother promised to replace the missing cake the next day.

The next day grandmother kept her promise, grandmother gave 1 steamed sponge cake to Alfa and Laya. However, as a punishment for the incident that happened yesterday, this time Rafa did not get any more steamed sponge cake. Of course, this made Rafa very sad, because in fact Rafa did not eat his brother's steamed sponge, plus seeing his brother getting steamed sponge again made him sad at that time plus he really liked steamed sponge. Alfa and Laya put the steamed cake back on the table like yesterday.


While grandmother was sweeping the kitchen, accidentally saw a mouse who was eating Alfa and Laya's steamed sponge. So finally the grandmother called her grandchildren immediately. Then the grandmother immediately told about what she had seen when she was sweeping the kitchen and explained that it was not Rafa who had eaten the cakes, but a mouse.

And right away Alfa and Laya apologized to Rafa because they had wrongly accused Rafa of taking their steamed cakes. And this made Rafa very happy because this time grandmother gave 3 steamed cakes for him instead. 2 to get the same as his older brother that had been given by his grandmother, and 1 more as a bonus because Rafa has become the accused who actually didn't do it.

After that, they immediately planned to clean and evict an uninvited occupant who now lives with them in their grandfather's house.

$ 22.37
$ 22.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
$ 0.01 from @trixdawson
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Written by
3 years ago


I enjoyed the story. And looking forward to more stories from you. It has so much to tell. And it reminds me of a scenario in the past that we had with my siblings. I guess we should teach youngster and ourselves to never accuse anyone and to voice out and stand to defend yourself when you never had done anything wrong.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It is a nice story to tell children. And with a very good moral, do not accuse anyone without evidence. It is unfair when we accuse an innocent person and we don't believe him because he has had a history of being seen with the lost object.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

yes, doesn't it often happen to small children. So they feel sad when they feel wrong for what they did not do. Thank you for stopping @gertu13.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, it happens to children but it also happens a lot to adults when we accuse them of things they didn't do but because of their background we think they did. Sometimes we lose friends because we accuse them unjustly. Sometimes we eventually find out the truth and it is too late for them to forgive the person who accused them.

$ 0.01
3 years ago