Something invisible

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3 years ago

Love just a word. Many people think that love is where you feel. I do not know, for me love only gives birth to pain that ends in a wound in the chest.

If indeed, love is beautiful, why should there be anxious about all the feelings that are present in the middle of the story?

Many things can happen in romance. Only a piece of paper and few people who understand being happy in love. In fact, you experience more pain when you start falling in love and in relationships. Many things are passed when you decide to love something.

If indeed, love is a taste, why should there be tightness over everything that begins to end up restless?

Love is something vague or even invisible. Can only be said through eye contact and conveyed through the heart. Sometimes, love is something beautiful There are times when the tightness comes whacking. Make your heart cut in wounds.

The fact is that love is present with the wounds that stretch inside it.

You don't need to worry about love. You only need to stand up once more when your heart kills itself.

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

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Nice article

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User's avatar Win
3 years ago

Love is an emotional state. Very dry, but it sums up most of the truth about love. In essence, it is a reflection of our emotions in connection with a certain person, which arouses certain feelings in us with everything that is, with its attitude towards us, with its actions. It is not just something pleasant, but above all something that somehow puts everything in the right place in us.We feel that everything is as it should be. You could say inner emotional balance, perfection, a certain “emotional peace and order”. At the same time, we gain power, a certain energy that is triggered within us by the charge of love. If we have rowed a boat so far, we get sails and wind in them. We simply feel that there are no boundaries for us. Everything can, everything…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

but it is not limited to peace if it is not felt, because it is sometimes painful and tiring.

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3 years ago