Some go and Some come

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Written by
2 years ago

Two things are often said in the world. Some come and some go. Some go and some come. It is commonplace and has become an event that turns to color the life of every living thing in the world. Life and death.

Friday morning I was surprised by news from my father about the death of my uncle who lived in the city where I grew up. It doesn't feel like life is going so fast. The current state of sad news is indeed a reminder of the time when we often met and lived in the same area as him.

His fierce temper for the people around us and his really troublesome nature have become common news in my family. But the funny thing is that the deceased as a person who did not like his behavior problems often did the opposite of his behavior. If there is an event in the environment, he is the one who is busy giving his energy and everything he can, if there is another death he is also usually busy preparing everything. So that local residents can still accept it because there are still many things that are beyond their temperament, like being angry and acting as they please, they often do good for many people too.

In my family, he is considered as a person who wants to be, but merciful to all his nephews, especially the children of my father. From childhood, until I grew up he also played a lot in raising my four siblings back then. After all, others in the family and the laziest to deal with him, only my father and mother can advise him. Even though he could be said to be my father's brother. But because my father and mother are the only ones who always accept and don't care about his behavior problems, he even respects my father and mother more than the others.

He was most afraid that if my father or mother had reprimanded him and if that happened it would even look funny if I remembered that he would act like a child being reprimanded by his father. Likewise for the four of us, when we grow up, we are the only ones who can reprimand him and want to be heard. While others are very rare and he does not really care about them.

Yesterday's news reminded me of many memories with the deceased, but a few hours later I received good news from a friend who was considered family and child by my parents. My best friend gave me the news about the birth of his wife. And he sent the news and gave a small photo of his first child. How happy he was then I thought. Because indeed after 7 years after marriage they finally got their first child.

For me, there is a short message about that two news. Although there are many things that happen all the time in this world. Because that's life. It reminds me more about the meaning of life and death. And about the meaning of nothing that is eternal as I have often written in my other writings. Still can say there is a word of sadness and there is a word of happiness. One is sad and happy. So that harmonization continues and is maintained.

Some go and some come. Yes, one after another like night and day or vice versa. The journey of every human being that continues to produce a new story but through the same process is essentially a different era. Time does not stop and continues to spin, until the end of the world where all living things will be completely turned off and brought back to life to live the life journey of each individual while in the world.

The final question arises for me, how much time is left for me to live life in this world? How appropriate am I to face and account for all my actions in the world? All answers can only be answered by myself and try to improve me so that I can smile and get the best at the end of time.

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Written by
2 years ago


We may not know when we will passed away or. how mamy times we have left. One thing is for sure, This is a constant process in our life..Some will go and some will come..We just need to strengthen our minds coz anytime it can happen.. Goodevening.😊

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We all come and go to this world. We live to die. One will come as the other one leaves.. That is our nature as a person. Sorry for your loss.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

People come and go. We have to learn to let go of people that have to leave and welcome those who will come. We don't know, no one knows when will be leaving too. Only Him knows.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I'm so sorry for your uncle. May his soul rest in peace. Look, this is life. We have to accept the fact. Just have faith on Almighty. The one who comes to the earth, has to leave one day. This is the fate. But hey, we are with you.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The Earth is billions of years old, and the cycle on it is somehow completed. We are people whose generation continues and will be completed when the time comes. For future generations, we are just guests in this world.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It's a big pity you have to experience such sad situations before in your life but my advice to you is that you should take heart, be strong, then move on with your life cos we are all sharers in the same fate of death.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

No one can tell when our life ends, only God knows. Im sorry for your lose. Condolence sis and to your family

$ 0.05
2 years ago