Profit vs Needed

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Profit, Needed, Life, Born, Human, ...

Which is more important? Profit by necessity. People will flock to answer the need is the main thing, without exception also applies to me personally. But is it true that the answer as an absolute answer without ending in a semicolon instead of a comma will explain or contain other arguments?

In the end, a second thought is born after the answer is born, depending on the circumstances.

It's really difficult, especially if we examine every step that starts when we hit the trail at the starting point when we look back. The two words present too many connotations which in the end have the same answer, namely the need itself. From profit we really need it, and from need, it is definitely the first choice among all.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay 

But let's look at the two explanations after we examine in detail the existence of the meaning of both. It turned out that both of them gave birth to the same answer and contained the answer to one of these questions. The same word is the need itself that is born. So that explains why our minds directly answer the word need as the main thing.

The context of needs, although broad, actually covers the space between things that exist in humans. Defeating everything that humans want from the existing language of lust. Although the need is born from the existence of one's own lust, it has been frozen by the Creator as a human limitation on creatures that were deliberately created with the existence of needs.

Humans need many things to be able to come alive as a form of life. And the last is aimed at the awareness of the language of the need for the existence of the Creator himself. Realizing that it is not God who needs humans, but humans who need God's existence as the end point of everything that exists in this universe.

Profit does not rely on just one context, especially after being made aware of the long point of awareness that leads to human needs with God. The advantage is also a hope of the lucky language that we are still given life, love, and all the things that we often forget and often ignore. From here, we realize that although it starts with the words profit and needs, with the existence of the language of love and affection born of God's existence, it is as if we are made aware of the condition, not just material that is born from the words profit and need itself. It turns out that we are made aware of the benefits we feel about life, and how powerful we are as humans who were created for the presence of the Creator.

Why end up with such a conclusion, isn't it about the existence of words that are expected from a description that starts only with human economic factors?

So put the burden for a moment, turn it back and empty your mind. Start reading again from the beginning of this paragraph starting until the end of this article stops. If you are still asking, repeat what was written before this sentence was written. If you have realized then that awareness, it is clear that there will be real answers to the questions that are present and will return to the actual source from which the source was present.


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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Profit, Needed, Life, Born, Human, ...


Well, it varies! If the need is much then we should fprget about the profits and take it. But if we can change the situation then profit is must!

$ 0.02
1 year ago