Privacy - Technology - Economy

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2 years ago

In the world of finance, there are many things that are thought of every time there is a development and also created projects that are present every time.

In the flow and form of implementation, there are many obstacles and also various reviews because it involves financial problems and the impact it will have. From time to time various types of services down to the basic form of currency were created.

At the present time, cryptocurrencies are phenomenal. Until his presence became one of the threats for several parties. Being a threat to the existence of various things that are a problem for them, such as a lot is said about the condition of volatile values, money laundering problems, and also the vulnerability of other things. On the other hand, the technology brought by cryptocurrencies is taken and used as a way to weaken crypto's steps in its development.

The condition of crypto is now full of various things that will attack. Not from the outside but also the many attacks from within the body of crypto development itself. The rise of fraud, theft, as well as fierce competition between crypto projects themselves.

Another problem that becomes major is the presence of crypto and the main enemy for anti-crypto is the loss of control of existence to know and control the financial aspect. Because the word decentralization embraced by crypto is an enemy for centralization. So that privacy, and technology was developed for economic purposes.

Then where exactly the word privacy has really been felt. Whereas the main factor of every law created is the issue of security and protection of the word privacy. Both data and non-data. Technology was created to fulfill the problem of preparedness of the times. Follow and present solutions in the word of everything. Then in the economy, there are various technologies that are said to protect the word privacy.

Is it true? The reality is not. So many people who live today, who follow the words of the times for the word privacy are not actually found. The truth of the word privacy which is real is only owned by humans who do not follow the times, are not recorded, or can be said to be primitive about modernization. The left behind but in fact, have a means of privacy for themselves. An example is a group that is not touched by technology such as the inhabitants of the Amazon forest or the inhabitants of the sentinel island.

The value of the progress of the times does not apply to them either. But the value of the privacy they actually still have. Indeed knowledge of science is backward or left behind but they still have the gift of thinking about nature to the world. It is systematic, such as thinking about all the pleasures of the world, is not felt for them, but independence and does not harm others they can create.

The developed countries of America and China are now the reference for the economic conditions of world development. The impact of the state of these two countries is so great for other countries in the world. A united Europe has not been able to give full power to the world's economic power. Asia, which still has many underdeveloped and developing countries, is still struggling with the word stability of the country's economy.

Privacy is a basic form of protection in technology for economic prosperity. The basic purpose of crypto creation will be polemic of world economic conditions. Since its presence is expected to be the answer to financial discrimination that is too manipulated by world economists.

However, it remains a scourge of gaps after being present and starting to be accepted. The word greed and human lust. Playing and fighting each other will say one-sided success. Forget the common goal of world economic prosperity.

$ 15.98
$ 15.77 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @gertu13
$ 0.03 from @trixdawson
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Written by
2 years ago


Government can't give full favor to the cryptoverse because it is decentralized which means that they have no control over it.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

That's so informative. Well written brother.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Actually, this writing is broken and unclear, just like the current state of the world economy.😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As long as Crypto is decentralized, I don't think the government is ever going to show it some love. They only believe in Absolute Control! and this is the reason why we see the bearish movement of BCH in the last few days

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Unfortunately, this same means of money laundering and many other means has made many countries of the world to ban Cryptos in their countries and this is sad though I'm happy with one special thing being the fact that cryptos have come to stay and that's how it is and it is also decentralized without needing these bodies I call the bad actors to survive on

$ 0.05
2 years ago