Planned Terror

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, Shortstory

In a city in the United States, there was terror. The bad boys in the city suddenly disappeared. One of the missing children was Alex. Alex is the leader of the city's bad boys. Alex's parents and the parents of other prodigal children do not remember that they ever had children. Alex has an older sister named Alice.

Alice and her friends in the city notice that Alex and the others have suddenly disappeared. They wonder where the children disappeared. When they were confused they met an old man. The man told them they could look for the children who suddenly disappeared but as a consequence, their parents would not remember that they ever existed. After they thought they agreed to the deal. The man reminds us that their agreement starts tomorrow morning. After that, they returned to their respective homes and got ready to look for the missing children.

The next day they left before their parents got up. They went to gather in an empty house which they turned into a basecamp. After they were all assembled, Alice told her friends where to go. After they were done they went out to spread out where Alex and his friends were commonly seen. While Alice and her 3 friends were on a search they met a little girl named Mary. Alice doesn't know Mary but Mary knows Alice.

Mary said her sister wanted to meet Alice. Alice and her friends followed Mary to her house. On the way to Mary's house, Alice wonders who Mary is and what Mary means that her sister wants to meet her. While filled with question marks Alice and the others arrive at Mary's house. Mary's brother Michael was waiting for Mary outside. After that Michael invited Alice and his friends into the house and waited in the living room.

Then Michael went into his room and came out carrying a blue box. Then he gave the box to Alice and said that they would need the contents of the box. When Alice wants to open the box Michael forbids her. Michael says to open the box when they get to where their other friends are gathering. Alice asks where Michael got the box. Michael didn't answer. Mary said that her sister could not tell her where she got the box. After thanking Alice and her friends return to their basecamp.

After they got to the basecamp they were already awaited by their friends. Alice then opened the box given by Michael. The contents of the box were a map circled and crossed in several places, several photos, and a letter. Then Alice looked at the map, it turned out that the places that were crossed were the homes of the missing children and the places circled were several orphanages outside the city. Some of the photos in the box turned out to be photos of the missing children. Alice took the letter and the contents of the letter were only the words "Everything is arranged". Alice did not understand what those words meant. It was dark already so they thought of resting.

At dawn, some of the children were awake and some had finished taking a bath. Someone knocked on the door and a child opened the door and he found a basket filled with food and drinking water. Then he brought the basket in and put the basket in the living room where they gathered. After they all had breakfast, Alice looked into the basket and found that there were four car keys and a small piece of paper that said “it's in the garage”. Alice walks out and goes to the garage which is next door to the house they live in. When Alice opened the garage door there were four cars.

After all that they finished tidying up, they went to the orphanage on the map that they got yesterday. The trip to the orphanage took two hours. After arriving in their destination city, they spread to several orphanages. After they got to the orphanage they saw that the children they had been looking for were in the orphanage. Then they entered the orphanage to pick up the children they were looking for. After the children got into the car they took the children who had suddenly disappeared.

Then they took the children home to their respective homes. When they arrived at the children's house, they found that their houses were all empty. Suddenly all the TVs in their house turn on and there is a man on the tv saying that they manage everything from the kids disappearing until they are in the orphanage. The man says there is an address in the mailbox. Then they went out to get the address in the mailbox. The address was not too far from their home. Then they went there on foot.

After they arrived at the address, it turned out that it was the address of a factory. Then they went in there. There was a passage so long that it seemed like there was no end. After they passed the hall they found a door. Then they entered the door. It turned out that the door penetrated the street in their house. When they all came out of the door suddenly the door disappeared and they entered their respective homes and their families welcomed them as if nothing had happened.

Because they were tired, they went into their respective rooms. When the missing children entered their room, they found a letter. The content of the letter is "if you don't want to change we will force you to change". They suddenly fainted. And when they realized it was morning outside. They went straight downstairs and met their parents. The situation was back to normal.


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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, Shortstory


Great story about changing. No matter how look on horror story, at the end is like end of ugly dream, or nightmare. We need to wake up at the end, and if someone ask from us change, we need to be focus in order to change something. Maybe that isn't so simple, but we need to try.

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3 years ago