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3 years ago

Everyone calls Nia stupid when they see how Nia survives with an unclear story. 2 years is not a meaningful wait for Nia's young age, 18 years old. Be swayed by a short message on your cellphone that sometimes doesn't appear, it's just like a game. The dramatic story of Nia is getting worse with the news that Arbi has liked another woman recently. The social media status, which has been the source of news about Arbi, is full of romantic sentences written there. Not for Nia, despite how much Nia hopes so, but it's a shame for other women. How stupid you really feel when you have to cry to see that writing that can't hurt. More than a razor-cutting cut it turns out, even if it's only a few words long.

Every day, their photos appear on Nia's homepage. As if going to want to make Arbi speak, "this is what I love, not you ..". only sad tears accompany Nia. It's too much, but Nia is just a "victim of love." Hi, you are the suspect, please return my heart! How much longer do you play with her fragility. Only squeals softly from the pain of the situation that enveloped her. Can you not imprison every move of this exercise.

When Nia tries to get rid of this feeling, Nia almost touches the exit to a news story, but Nia is pulled back again by a short message that means a lot to her, "hi". The name of the sender was stored in his inbox when Arbi sent the message to Nia. There are shakes that move Nia's internal organs, to be precise Nia's heart. With enthusiasm and not wanting to make Arbi wait, Nia replied, "Hi too .. how are you?" At that time Nia was about to send it, for a moment Nia was shocked by the photos on Arbi's social media that I was opening, Arbi was with the woman. So Nia immediately tries to block her intention to reply to a message from Arbi, but still, Nia fails by the desire to return to read Arbi's reply message. Nia sent the message. Nia felt so excited at that time. When her cellphone vibrated, Nia saw as soon as possible. It was just a message from the operator. O okay, Nia still waiting. Until she didn't realize that she was waiting, Nia fell asleep. Not feeling the night woke her up, Nia looked back at her cellphone, but her inbox didn't add any more. Chest so tight. Even crying, no tears came out.

The diary, which seems to be a silent witness to every injury, has returned to be Nia's place to complain. She was told of every smile that was painted when she read the message and also the unspeakable pain. Until when is Arbi like this. Nia kept thinking about her situation before getting to know Arbi. The person who made her did not know she's old self. Am I all right, she quietly. In fact, it is very good. However, I don't know what was in love that kept shackling Nia's mind and heart, which seemed to have gone blind for the past 2 years. The love that Nia had always wanted. The love that many people say life will be colorful, will make someone look special, but Nia forgets that it's just her feeling. The love he thought was beautiful, colorful, all just artificial. Arbi never responds to Nia's heart. Arbi was just trying to be reasonable in responding to all his attention. However, Nia always thinks positively and thinks Arbi likes her.

Now Nia realized. She's feelings were too meddling to turn off she's logic all this time. All that remains is an expression of the victim of love. And as if a sufficient and appropriate title for a heart that still hopes even though it continues to be unresponsive. Even though there is still a long way to go for Nia to survive. 2 years is enough for all the stupidity that Nia did. Nia committed she had to give up this predicate. Free from unrequited love.

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3 years ago
