Noise in the morning

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2 years ago

I actually found something to become a habit of. I mean, how can a logical mind still think like this! Thinking for the first time at dawn that is not left to be seen on a smartphone is about the presence of noise that now cannot be left to be missed, even if it is just checking to see without leaving a new status or post.

Seeing about the existence of various new posts, or which I didn't have time to read, became a new habit, like reading newspapers in the morning when newspapers were still in their prime. Everyone has their own way of saying things, one person says the truth in a nice tone, the other says it in a sharp tone. There are people who tend to feel offended by a particular post. It's not just like listening to a tone they care about but also who is speaking. About someone who gives advice on how to achieve our dreams, sometimes we make ourselves feel compelled with a few words or two words someone who fails to tell us some tips on how to succeed. Sometimes we also have to think that in one status or another post, that person is also just babbling. Yet it won't matter the reason why he tells us that while that person may want to warn us of impending obstacles, he has failed once and he doesn't want us to fail in the same hole. But unfortunately, feelings of offense and thoughts of judging someone also cannot be separated from some mindsets that are embedded in other thoughts.

For me, I call it manners. If I don't follow the method, people will judge me as disrespectful and ashamed of my own family (even if it's just a status). So I should pay more attention to how polite I am to say something and who am I to say it. Sometimes I still hold on to my opinion that my thinking is stupid, but something changed my mind, there is no stupidity in politeness. Even though it is only a status because in reality it can be read and seen by everyone who reads and sees it.

Free does not mean without rules, free means unfettered but still in the corridor of rules and etiquette. This means that having morality can leave a little good that is worthy of being done by us, every human being who has religious feelings and norms.

I sometimes compare. Some are intrigued, some are serious, some provide information and some are not clear what the material is used as status. Made me realize, that I also sometimes can't keep my own words about "The rules I say manners". See, we are maybe one of those people who try to care HOW someone talks rather than WHAT they say. It wakes me up by sighing and sorting and trying to digest what they are saying.

Even so. They understand what the rules mean. It's good, to tell the truth, but even better to say it in a polite and painless way. Advising people is a good thing but it is even better to prove how we overcome our obstacles or just tell us about what has happened in our life journey. And about the Noise in the morning a new thing where people focus on WHO is talking and HOW he/she says it better than WHAT he/she says.


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Written by
2 years ago


We should always learn to talk to people in an appropriate manner. How we talk and what we say matters a lot.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, advising people is also our needs. We can help them to lift their emotions and at the same time, we can share some good vibes to everyone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

How well you said my friend, I am a person who is very careful how I talk to others, lest I talk to someone in a way that upsets them. But unfortunately, some people easily say what is on the tip of their tongue, now it doesn't matter to them whether the other party is upset or not. For people like us who care about these things, it upsets us when others say so, because we ourselves try not to be like that.

$ 0.02
2 years ago