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2 years ago

In welcoming the month of Ramadan, it has become commonplace that prices for basic commodities will increase in a number of markets. And this can also affect the existence of inflation, especially in countries with a Muslim majority. Moreover, approaching Eid al-Fitr later.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

There will be a high demand for the existence of money in circulation which can affect the increase in production costs. For the country of Indonesia the country where I was born and raised, it has been seen that the condition of the economic movement in terms of the market has occurred recently before it arrived today just before the fast arrives. Many basic prices for people's needs have increased, not to mention the scarcity of cooking oil which is usually easy to obtain. The increase in prices, although only in terms of basic needs, causes inflation to occur. Don't look at just the form of the word food, from chilies, eggs, cooking oil, it can encourage inflationary conditions that occur.

Inflation has certainly been heard very often and also feared. Especially in the conditions of existence for the word world. World conditions can also affect the occurrence of inflation. Huge demand but scarcity can occur. What is most feared is that this condition is triggered by a handful of people who want to take big profits unilaterally, or it can be said that the occurrence of a market monopoly.

Those who are harmed, of course, return to the words of the common people. Those who do not understand the conditions that occur. Income has not changed, but prices continue to rise. And in the end, it creates a deep chasm between the word poor and rich. Placing conditions that are not balanced, and increasingly leads to the context of mastering regardless of the existence of others. Is this not a common thing? In fact, up to now, it is more than ordinary words themselves, maybe they are already used to living in conditions like this. If inflation occurs, only screams of inflation will come from those who are affected, but they can't do anything without a fight, just resign themselves to what happens.



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Written by
2 years ago


Everything is increasing even the water we use to day and dr]nk..but the salaries or those who work in private and public are not increasing a bit...that's why it's such a big problem to those who's income is just below $10

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is a common occurrence in times of festivities. It happens everywhere really and there's nothing the common people can do. This inflation usually enrich the already rich who control the machinery of production

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Peoples are so cheapy and clever. They always take advantages when some biggest festival appears . Btw Sri Lanka having such huge inflation nowadays.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think it's same around the world, by the way, you might like reading this study about how economy changes in Ramadan:

$ 0.02
2 years ago

... and why this has to happen especially during ramadan still beats me. If anything, things should be cheaper in ramadan

$ 0.02
2 years ago

In our country also same here. Our income didn’t increase but the price of goods like sugar,oil,rice are increased even in Ramadan its more increased now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago