In Togetherness

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3 years ago
Topics: Peace, World, Mind, Adoption

Today is the celebration of Eid al-Adha. Feel the joy of being able to feel sharing with all the existing communities. Taste or enjoy the meat of the sacrificial animals that are sacrificed on this feast.

Indeed, even though it can only be felt once a year, the feeling of gathering with family, to enjoy the meat that is shared from the sacrifice celebration is a time of its own happiness today. People are busy making various forms of cuisine or preparations from animal sacrifices on this holiday.

Of course, there are various kinds of meat. From the main requirements as an animal sacrificed is from a goat, sheep, cow, buffalo or camel.
For my country, Indonesia, there are usually 3 kinds, namely goats, cows and buffalo. Because camels or sheep do not live in the tropics of our country.

So various kinds of processed meat are prepared after the cutting and distribution is complete. Some make satay, some makes beef jerky, some make steak, some makes curry, some make rendang.
Various depending on taste and each family cultivates it
But usually the most and make the celebrations crowded on this holiday is the average, of course making goat satay. Because it is the easiest preparation and the atmosphere you get when you burn satay in the yard or outside the house, it becomes a sensation that is rarely done by everyone in their daily lives.

Unfortunately there are a few restrictions during this pandemic. Where, can't be too free to roam around to celebrate. So there are restrictions from the procedures that usually occur in previous years. Yes, it's a little different, but for the happy feeling of gathering and grilling satay with my children, it's still a sensation that is quite different today.

From this afternoon they felt the happiness starting from making the meat soft by storing it in papaya leaves and reducing the stinging smell of the meat which was quite pungent. After finishing cleaning and holding the papaya leaves, we started making various preparations. From cutting to make satay to frying into simple fried meat. We just happened to get beef this time. So it's not that hard to clean the meat.

After finishing all the children were busy enjoying the processed products that they participated in making
From cleaning, holding to burning and frying. When eating it, seeing their happiness, feeling the results of their hard work, enjoying various processed meats, made me quite happy and grateful. How great is the grace and blessing that Allah has bestowed on us on this Eid.

The implied meaning is indeed so great from the celebration of this feast. Togetherness, and taste the food of meat for people who usually can't afford meat for their daily meals become the main value they feel. Seeing every house busy making processed meat dishes, which maybe can only happen today, where every family processes and eats meat at home.

Eid al-Adha or the feast of sacrifice where today is the feast day of the implementer of Muslims who perform the pilgrimage. And at the end of the word to fulfill they also make sacrifices for each one who carries out this fifth pillar of Islam. It becomes a celebration that is felt also for people who do not perform Hajj to be able to sacrifice on this Eid.

In togetherness celebrating this holiday, Muslims in the world feel the greatness of the presence of this holiday. Feel the blessings of the goodness of those who want to set aside their wealth to sacrifice and feel togetherness with their beloved family by eating the meat that is sacrificed.

Feel the beautiful words of sharing and also feel the beauty of enjoying the greatness of the grace of the almighty God. Cleanse yourself from setting aside existing assets to be distributed to people who can't afford it. Maybe at any time actually the word sharing can be done, but it cannot guarantee that humans will forget the word when they have abundant treasures to share.

So that it makes a reminder of self-limitation where every year we are reminded to set aside our wealth for others in need. Because the truth is that in our fortune, there must be other people's fortune that God has entrusted through us.

Finally, Happy Eid Al-Adha to all Muslims in the world who celebrate it. May the blessings always be with us all.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Peace, World, Mind, Adoption


Thank you for sharing your culture to us.😊

$ 0.05
3 years ago

And thank you for taking ur time to read my article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Glad to hear you are muslim brother .. Anyway this is normal on Eid ul adha .. here is tomorrow bro 😂

$ 0.05
3 years ago