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3 years ago

Searching for identity. Many things are said and written about this. Where is it and what is the real meaning of this. Identity is something that is often discussed by everyone. Either seek clearly or slowly.

Everyone must have asked about what is the purpose of his life, the meaning, and whether the play applies to him. It becomes a fundamental polemic in the life of every human being towards the word survival and happiness that we want to feel and achieve.

In short, it cannot be achieved for the full meaning. Because to know one's identity requires a very long process to be passed and fully understood. Even if it's basically just to get to know yourself. The process that goes on every time to find the starting point of the journey of life towards the meaning of happiness. Knowing who we are is a very important step in knowing the goals and achievements we desire.

Various forms of identity can be expressed and represented by words. From the form of attitude, decision making, facing problems, or the order of life. When you know about yourself, there are many things that can be said to have a good impact on yourself. From a long journey, of course, so many people say that the sentence of maturity has been achieved.

So many positive things that can be taken from the meaning of identity. Where it can provide better decision making, be more tolerant, reduce various conflicts, have a broad view, and provide patience which of course gets better too.

In the process of knowing ourselves, we can know the value of ourselves. Which is more dominant about this value. Diverse, of course, and these values ​​have an impact on us knowing what is suitable and can develop well for our lives.

From knowing the problem of the value of existence about identity. Then we can learn a lesson about our own preferences or interests. Of course, many things are explained about the problem of interest, but they can be narrowed down in the end because they have gone through the process of knowing one's own identity. So which are we more interested in and which are not. From this liking or interest, it can be a barometer of our future state.

Moving on to the attitude of your own personality. In terms of personality, we will know about our identity, we can find out what personality patterns exist or what the greatest energy is from ourselves. Is the attitude of anger, patience, compassion, or so forth. From personality, we can take which is better to take and continue to do. Which one should be reduced or abandoned because it brings ugliness to ourselves.

All of the above are processes and steps that can finally be concluded in one place to know our identity so that it can be appreciated for the activities of life that we live. In daily activities of so many kinds and unexpected events, of course, after knowing our own identity will be able to provide many benefits to activities and decisions taken on time.

Useful or not, right or wrong, good or bad, finally return to the purpose and meaning sought in living life. So that the long process that goes through in knowing one's identity gives meaning to oneself. We can find out what is meaningful in the life we ​​have lived and what will be lived in the future. With him will be found the strength for it all. Strength will face the life that is lived and that is being displayed in front of us later. Make a full attitude more meaningful.

And in the end, with all these things, the feeling will be more honed and understand the meaning and meaning of life from the process of knowing one's identity. So in the end feelings will take precedence and make limits in everything that is faced. Realizing the meaning of self, the need for social life, being more independent, respectful, and able to take all the lessons from everything that has been lived.

Indeed, knowing one's identity is not an easy process or path. How hard it takes patience and effort to live it. But most importantly, don't waste time, so that we can find our own identity to find out what is the best we will do later.

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Written by
3 years ago


Today I didn't fully know my identity for it changes over time. I am still getting to know myself everyday and tried to fix it on its permanent way. Keeping the good and cutting off the bad. I know both is necessary for me to learn myself more.

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3 years ago