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3 years ago

Her name is Riana. She is only 14 years old at this moment. Riana has a lovely and loving father and mother, but for some reason now they rarely talk together. Riana's friends are also many, until one time Riana heard them start talking bad things about her behind Riana's.

In the evening, Riana was hugging her knees, crying. She looked so sad, hearing the swearing and screaming outside she's room. It was she's father and mother, having a fight. But suddenly next to her from where she was, a window was knocked. A girl of the same age waved at her. She was taken aback, shocked.

She gestured to open the window for her. At first Riana didn't want to, because she was afraid, but in the end she let the girl in. Her hair is loose, black. She's eyes are brown, with a thin face. The girl wearing a blue T-shirt and light green pants handed her hand, inviting her to introduce herself. Riana also reached for she's hand.

"My name is Diana, I'm a teenage girl like you." She started the conversation.

Riana nodded, while saying her name.

Since then, they started playing and often together. Without anyone knowing. They play roles, watch movies and read books together.

Actually Riana was confused, where this girl came from, but Diana once said that she also came from near here. They are good friends, but they have a secret to keep. Diana said that Riana should not tell or introduce her to anyone, including her parents. And Riana agrees, doesn't mind it.

One day in the afternoon, mother knocked on the door, calling. Riana is playing a role. β€œRia, open the door. Who are you talking to?” Mother's voice was heard, making Riana awake. She panics, sees Diana, asks what she should do.

Diana held her chin, thinking. Then she said "I'm going to hide, you open the door and pretend you're just practicing acting."

Alright, Riana nodded in agreement.

Diana hurried under the bed. Riana opened the door saying "No one, ma'am, I'm just practicing acting for the school audition later."

Mother looked at her confused. She then peeked into the room, feeling curious. But Riana reflexively got in the way. And this made Mother even more curious, so Mother forced her way inside. It make Riana just can only surrender.

Mom checked all over the room, making sure nothing was missed. As soon as mother was about to check under the bed, Riana immediately forbade it. Arguing that under the bed is very messy, has not been tidied. But mom didn't care, kept checking. This made Riana panic, her body froze, her neck covered in cold sweat.

Mother stood up again, her face normal. Riana is still frozen, tense.

"Why are you so tense? Mom just checked for a second. Oh yes, don't forget to tidy up the bottom of your mattress. I'm disgusted to see it." Mother scolded her then walked out of the room.

Riana was silent for a moment, confused. Why mom don't see Diana? But she was right under the bed. Riana scratched her head that didn't itch, then called Diana to come out immediately. Riana asked her. She just shook she's head not knowing. And that made Riana even more confused.

Diana brought herself back to her senses, to just forget about it. Riana nodded in agreement. And Diana invites herself back to play. From the incident that day, even though mother went to the room, now Riana never panics again. Because it seems that her mother never knew about Diana's presence by Riana's side.

And their togetherness continues without Riana realizing who and where Diana came from. Riana only thinks that she now has a friend who is always loyal to accompany her every time she is together when she needs it.

$ 6.58
$ 6.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ayueee98
$ 0.05 from @Review
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Written by
3 years ago


It seems Diana is a friend that Riana created from her subconscious mind. Only Riana can see and talk to Diana. Like jessica method.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wait what? Where Diana hide then? shit confusing .. Maybe she is kinda like magician?

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Is Diana cannot be seen by other people, perhaps a ghost? It's a nice story. I think there will be part 2 of this.😊

$ 0.05
3 years ago