Financial Freedom

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2 years ago

Financial Freedom means being free from fear and worry about financial problems. In terms of meaning and implementation, it means the obligation of an orderly financial system if one wants to have a healthy financial system in order to achieve freedom from financial problems.

In terms of achieving financial freedom, there is a foundation that must be prepared. In this case plan the steps that will be taken to achieve financial freedom. It's not easy and need's take a long time in fact. Because there are several plans that must be taken, such as, managing income streams, managing expenditure channels, managing investment problems, and preparing emergency funds.

In accordance with the development of the era, it can be said that at this time the issue of availability of financial problems has been created and offered. Its availability is getting easier and the various features offered can be said to spoil its users.

Things that are usually offered such as to separate basic needs and non-basic needs are different. Then the placement of investment problems and also the placement of unexpected cost arrangements.

An example as a small step in learning to manage financial matters is the presence of various regulatory applications in the financial system. Both the financial system of banks and the financial system of the cryptocurrency world.

In terms of the traditional financial system or banks, there are now various banking applications that have collaborated with various fintech parties. Meanwhile, in the systematic world of cryptocurrencies, there are various kinds of applications that provide financial system management in cryptocurrencies.

Basically, the current convenience is obtained because of technological advances that are increasingly established in the future. So that people who want to achieve the word financial freedom must at least understand the problem of technology, at least its use. On the other hand, learning the basics of the economic system and the language of economics is also highly recommended in order to understand at least the word achievement of financial problems. So, if you want to plan your finances now, you need to pay attention to the application and usage. Variety of offerings, benefits, convenience, and the main thing is the issue of security. Because of the various features that exist to manage expenses so that later they can achieve the desired financial goals, including achieving financial freedom.

The main problems that can prevent financial freedom from being achieved are usually found in conditions that are more often found in today's times. It can be said that technology brings new things that are better but also brings bad effects in terms of vigilance. Most of them are not aware of the condition of large expenditures rather than income. Greater desire than evidence of achievement. There are also conditions that are trapped in the safe zone conditions.

Established conditions or living in affluence can be interpreted from different perspectives. However, looking at the condition of basic abilities and effort is often forgotten.

In the phase towards financial freedom, it is important to note that we have passed five phases such as the dependency phase, the solvency phase (when someone already has an income), the stable phase, the phase free from debt problems, and the last phase is safe.

After these five phases can be passed, it can be said that you have entered the phase of financial freedom.

Life goals are many and varied, but in reality, only some can achieve them because they can determine priorities.

Financial independence is indeed not easy to achieve, but it is not impossible that we can achieve it. Youth is the most precious time for a person. If someone is able to be disciplined in planning finances at a young age, it is likely that in old age they will be able to more easily achieve the word financial independence.

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Written by
2 years ago


I like your writing because you manage to understand in a simple way the steps to achieve financial freedom, and also that there are also risks that we must take when we enter this world, as well as the studies that we must have moments before starting. Thank you very much for your guidance. I send you a big hug.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Hoping I too , will have that financial freedom . Being financially stable is an ultimate goal.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Financial freedom is possible only when you have a correct picture of your present income and expenditure statement.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I agree with you. That's why it is beneficial to teach children at a young age about financial mazes so that they will be equipped with knowledge how to handle financial matters when they grow up.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Nowadays in all our countries there are financial problems. They have become the biggest threat. They are making the poor poorer and bringing them to the streets. In fact, everyone is poor from childhood or hastily makes them poor. Financial problems keep coming. In life, if we want to face them, it is better for us. I know that we are very poor class. But we are not so poor that we can't live on our own or stay at homeBut we are happy no matter who we are, not only are we happy, but we can get better if we think ahead and move forward.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Its a life long struggle and you have to work continous on a long path.... Living in a developing countries where more than 60 percent crimes are just because of financial issues.... To achieve financial freedom, is the need of time to live a peaceful life.... We all are struggling in this path... May God help every one to achieve this goal....

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Finding financial freedom is difficult today. And for many it does not lead to freedom, since it is necessary to work constantly to continue achieving it. We can't just lie down to sleep. Anyone who you see who has been successful in his life is because he has worked to obtain it day after day.

$ 0.05
2 years ago