Finally I found you

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Written by
3 years ago

This afternoon I toured the area where I live on foot. As usual, not forget I carry my cellphone with me. I prefer to use a cellphone to write or record an event or idea that usually comes out of nowhere.

Look around me. Green. Everything was covered with grass, and far ahead was a cypress forest where the people of the area used to travel. I decided to go to the forest. And sure enough, it was very crowded there, even though the weather was very cold, but everyone was sitting on wooden benches nestled among the rubber trees. There were no empty seats around me, they were all filled. But there is one bench that is farthest away and no one is sitting there. I put down my bag, then I sat on the cold bench.

The scenery there is still beautiful, there has been no human intervention, or maybe it was made in such a way so as not to damage its original form. I closed my eyes, looking for ideas for stories in my next story until everything was broken because there was a woman sitting next to me. She was carrying a small suitcase that was placed beside her feet. She's breath was panting, it seemed she had walked quite a distance to get to this rubber forest. I gave her my mineral water which I brought from home. She accepted and immediately drank it after saying thank you while flashing a very friendly smile. "I'm Reyya, you?" she said while looking ahead. I feel strange with the name, Reyya? I've never met anyone with such a strange name. "Eki," she continued to tell how she got here, and what she's purpose was here. "So you want to take a vacation instead?" I asked repeating her explanation which said she came only for a vacation. “Yeah, oh yeah do you know the closest hotel in this area?” she asked. Where is a hotel in the hills that people don't frequent, I thought to myself. "You can stay at my house for a while if you want," I said without thinking. I don't know why I offered such a thing, even though her face is pretty, but she's not much taller than me, at most she has a dimple on her cheeks when she smiles, it's quite charming for a woman's size.

She followed me from behind, I opened my door and invited him to come in and sit on the living room sofa. Her head looked up, looking here and there, it seemed she liked my house. "You stay upstairs, think of it as your home, but there are things you must obey." "What?" she asked as she straightened herself. "Don't bother me, don't make my house dirty." she just nodded at my explanation.

This is the fifth day she lives at my house, there are still 15 more days she lives with me while living at my house, she never bothers me at all, she always cooks me breakfast, and always eats my cooking which is sometimes too salty without the slightest complaint. She's a good girlfriend, very good. “Eki.. can I use your car? I need to go to the market to buy some things I need, or do you want to accompany me?” and without realizing it I immediately agreed to his invitation. We went shopping that night, like a couple, we walked side by side, she pushed a trolley full of our things and suddenly.. “Reyya!!” A man walked towards us. I saw Reyya smiling broadly. "Tara..." she said then. The two of them hugged each other in front of me, of course, it was normal like a meeting between separated friends, but hugging like this in the market wasn't too much and too much? Reyya introduced the man, his friend from college she said. While in the market the man held Reyya's hand. From there I felt sure they were more than friends.


I came out of the room and saw Reyya was dressed neatly "I want to have dinner with Tara, do you want to come with me?" Seriously, I went to their show? Wouldn't that make me a joke? I quickly said, “I actually want to go too.” Even though I don't know where I had to go that night, for sure I went first before Reyya. I stepped on the gas in my car and drove away from the area where I live. I stopped in my car in front of the dessert cafe, I ordered hot chocolate and cheesecake. I started to realize that I haven't touched my laptop in a long time, since Reyya lived with me. But, I forgot to bring it tonight.

"Reyya, sit here!" Said a man whose voice I knew clearly, ah it's Tara, I turned my seat back to those sitting right beside me. How could they have got this far? I thought. I watched everything they did through the mirror in front of me, while sometimes lowering my head. I accidentally saw Tara handing a spoonful of green pudding to Reyya, Reyya shyly ate it, suddenly I felt annoyed to see Tara who was with Reyya that night. There is a spark that splashed right in my chest, heat, or jealousy am I really feeling right now? I quickly paid my dinner bill, then headed out the back door of the cafe. I hope they don't see me.

The backyard of my house is the right place to relax, moreover, I can see the mountains from the backyard. While enjoying a cup of milk coffee I sat on a piece of wood while singing my favorite song “Wise men say only fools rush in but I can't help….” "Falling in love with you," Reyya said.

I'm just silent, for some reason since I saw Tara and Reyya having dinner a few days ago, I always stay away from Reyya. He then sat beside me. "What's wrong with you?" she asked me, I just smiled a little while shrugging my shoulders. We were silent all afternoon.


The next day I felt my body shivering, my body felt hot, but what I felt was cold. A thick blanket covered my helpless body, Reyya accompanied me at that time, she sat beside my bed, occasionally asking what I wanted. I really couldn't do anything, weakness, and dizziness took over my body. All-day I just sleep. I opened my eyes slowly, the dizziness was gone from my body, the fever had also subsided, Reyya fell asleep on the floor curled up. I looked closely at she's face, she's eyebrows, she's closed eyes, she's nose, she's mouth, she's lips, I recorded everything in my brain. Beautiful, that's the right word, to sum up, what I saw. Suddenly she opened she's eyes, and I gasped. "'s not hot anymore," she said while holding my forehead "What do you want to eat?" I just shook my head, I shifted my body a little to the right "Here .." I said patting my bed, she sat beside me. I held she's hand, she's expression changed, she was just silent and shocked of course. I quickly let go of my hand, but before I could leave my hand, she had pulled my hand back. I don't know what to do, nor do I know what I was thinking until I could hold her's hand. "Do not be angry anymore," she said how did she know I was mad at him? "You're silent because you're angry with me right? Because I'm close to Tara right?" she asked which made my heart flutter and a little embarrassed. I just nodded, ah how can I nod? That's a sign I'm jealous, I don't want her to know I'm jealous. Reyya smiled and said, "She's my best friend since high school, I won't date him." It was a relief to hear that from Reyya.

"The day after tomorrow I'm going home, whenever I have time I'll visit you again ki." I nodded slowly, I could imagine how lonely it would be to live in this house without Reyya.

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded at that. "D you like me?" My eyes widen at she's question, and I laugh. Should I say "Yes" to her, does it make sense that I like a woman I've only known in less than a month? "I don't know" I replied.

Then Reyya approached me and said “I LOVE YOU TOO” and I smiled hearing that, maybe I'm really crazy to like this woman, but that's okay, I'm not the only one who's crazy. Finally, I decided to go with her back to Reyya's house to the city where she came from.

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Written by
3 years ago


Nothing is sweeter when you know you found The One.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Beautifully described every aspect i really loved it

$ 0.00
3 years ago