End of Journey

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Shortstory, Mistery

My body felt very light as if it could be blown off. Like floating in the air. I went to the car's cracked glass and looked in the mirror. I see my own body, but this is different! It's not like it used to be so pretty. My face is crushed, my hair is matted, my body is only covered by a long white cloth, torn and shabby. No more my beautiful clothes and my old perfume, or high heels. Rancid smell. My feet don't hit the ground! I was silent and the day was getting night. Everyone left me under this tree ...


The music fills the space of this luxury car. The shiny white sedan rode through the mountain road. On either side of the road greeted by green trees. They were lined up but ducked as if they obeyed something unseen. Nature is strong but unpretentious. Nature is too holy to be contaminated with the despicable deeds of humans, like me. For a moment I remembered the depravity I had done so far. My admiration for the natural beauty that is plastered behind the glass of this car is nothing compared to my admiration for myself. I am pretty, attractive, sweet voice, and good at seducing men. I enjoy being with men who are able to fulfill all my wants, lusts, and ambitions.

Like Aldo, the man who was driving beside me. He took me in a white car to this exclusive place to stay at the foot of the mountains. Who doesn't know this area? So cool and romantic to spend the night together with your partner. Yes, like me and Aldo. This afternoon we started our journey to find lodging in this area. The sky was getting shady and the air was getting cooler and greeted us on our way.

"Aska, where are we staying?" asked Aldo. The handsome man smiled at me.

I, who have been enjoying the scenery for a long time, have now turned to enjoy this one creation of God. Aldo. Who is the woman who won't fall for him? His father was a former high-ranking official who also had various businesses. Aldo inherited one of his father's businesses. With all the top-notch facilities plus a beautiful face, he was able to conquer my heart. Even though there are things I don't like about him. I'm too naughty and don't care about his married status. Yes, Aldo is not a single man ...

"We're looking for a good one .. Don't want to stay in a cheap place, honey," I said spoiled. Aldo laughed crisply. He is indeed charming. I love everything about him, except for one: his wife. Oh yes, one more thing... He also already has a 2-year-old child. What the hell with all that! After all, Aldo himself wanted to play crazy with me.

My introduction to Aldo happened when I had a singing job at an exclusive cafe. My main profession is indeed a singer. With a beautiful voice and a pretty face, it is not difficult to get a job singing from cafe to cafe, or from stage to stage. Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to become a recording singer. Actually, my income is not bad, but I still feel less. For body care costs, stage costumes, jewelry, accessories, bags, shoes, glasses, private vehicles, and others. All the supporting items I must have to make my appearance look more 'wow'. It's one of my ways to captivate the hearts of those who wear my clothes.

But apart from singing, I also do not refuse the dates of the men who are amazed by my charms. Of course, there must be a reward in kind. You could say it's a 'plus-plus' service. Until I met Aldo and this time something was different. Unlike other men who only need money, but especially Aldo, I also need him always by my side. Either because he was the richest, the most handsome, the most caring, or because we really loved each other. Yes, all of that is true! Regardless, Aldo is already married and has children. I feel he really loves me and vice versa I am the same.

Looking at Aldo's face made me even more eager to have him. I grabbed Aldo's shoulder who was driving the car. Our journey is almost to the place of the inn. Suddenly Aldo's cellphone placed on the dashboard sounded a sign of an incoming call. I immediately took it. I read the name on the phone screen: "My Lovely Wife".

"From whom, Aska?" asked Aldo while still focused on driving.

“Your wife! Why are you still on the phone? You've already said goodbye for business reasons, right? ” I asked, starting to be suspicious.

"Yes ... But calling like that is usually important."

"What's important?" I reject the call from Aldo's wife.

"Aska, honey ... Don't reject it!" Aldo started protesting me.

A few moments later, a short message arrived. From “My Lovely Wife”, it says: “Mas Aldo, Raka is sick with a fever. He was fussy and called Papa. Please, can go home now! ” I squinted at the SMS. Why can't I be his wife? I am jealous. His son is sick, then should Aldo go home?

"Aska, where's the cellphone here!" Aldo asks for his cell phone. I didn't give it. There was a moment of silence. I'm pissed off, maybe Aldo too. Sorry, Aldo, I have to act like this. I don't want to be bothered by your wife! But then another call came in. From “My Lovely Wife”.

“My wife is calling again? Here, give me a cellphone! Aska! " Aldo's voice began to rise.

“I already said, I don't want our event to be disturbed by your wife! Included with this phone! " I snapped.

"Aska, our program is still continuing! But let me pick up my wife's phone! " Aldo was still driving but with one hand he tried to grab the cellphone from mine.

Without thinking, I opened the car window and threw the phone into the road! I held Aldo's hand and said firmly, "You are mine, Don!"

“Aska !! Hey !! What are you ?! ” Aldo shouted while trying to remove his hand from mine. He looked back, saw the road where I threw away his cellphone. Aldo's concentration has broken. He no longer paid attention to the road in front of him. Even though the lodging place we were headed for was close.

I saw road gasped. A few meters in front of this car is the figure of a grandmother crossing the road. The condition of the mountain road is a very steep curve. Plus the sky was dark because the sun had just set. I don't think this car can avoid the grandmother who is right in front of us.

“Aldo !!! CAUTIONNNN !!! " I screamed.

Aldo gasped then swerved to the left.

BRRAAKKK… !!! The car hit a big tree on the roadside. I feel pain all over my body. My gaze is dark. It's quiet.


My eyes are open. I was beside the car that was crushed into a tree. I saw a man covered in blood being carried by the crowd to rescue him. I looked at his face. I remember it was Aldo! Oh, my Aldo ... Poor fate. Are you still alive? Then myself? Am I still alive?

My body felt very light as if it could be blown off. Like floating in the air. I went to the car's cracked glass and looked in the mirror. I see my own body, but this is different! It's not like it used to be so pretty. My face is crushed, my hair is matted, my body is only covered by a long white cloth, torn and shabby. No more my beautiful clothes and my old perfume, or high heels. Rancid smell. My feet don't hit the ground!

I started crying, moaning, lamenting myself. Crying louder, but no one cares. I shouted out loud but all I heard was an indistinct sigh. Want to get out of here. I want to go back to my house, but it's like this body is nailed here. I was silent and the day was getting night. Everyone left me under this tree ...

(People who pass through the road or stop under the big tree, especially at night claim to often hear the voice of women crying. The local people believe it is a creature that inhabits a large tree who is the spirit of accident victims. God knows best ... Only God Who All-knowing about spirits which are limited by human vision. Let us make it a life lesson. As His servants, we should always do good to anyone to be safe wherever we are.)

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Shortstory, Mistery
