Elephant Ear Plant

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4 years ago

This plant has large leaves and shaped like a heart where the Latin name is Anthurium crystallinum. Because of its large leaf shape, this plant in Indonesia is called an Elephant Ear Plant.

Plants that come from the South American region have a lot of leaves, aka bushy. If it has grown large, elephant ear plants can reach a length of 20-40 cm and a width of 15-38 cm. Remarkably, this plant you can treat inside and outside the room.

How to care for it is quite simple, like most other plants, it's just that the elephant's ear should not be stored in direct sunlight, because it will easily wither when dealing directly with sunlight, and another make sure the planting media is always moist so that it can grow well.

Besides having a function as an ornamental plant, this elephant ear plant turned out to have a myriad of health benefits, the hidden properties contained in this ornamental plant are able to treat several diseases, this is because in these plants, especially in the leaves and stems contained a number of substances capable of play a role in terms of treatment, including saponim, flavonoids, and tannins which all have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. One of them is that can cure swelling in the mouth and throat organs. As for other properties that can be:

  • Speed ​​up aging boils

  • Prevents several types of skin diseases

  • prevent infections due to germs and bacteria

Wow, it turns out that nature has many benefits, not only as an ornament or to beautify but also has various benefits. May be useful.

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We really enjoyed the plant here

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. You really give the totality of Elephant Ear plant. Many authors would mention plants without telling us the nutritious or health benefits if any.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have never heard of this plant..thanks for sharing..it is a very unique plant

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We have a lot of this here in the Philippines. But I don't know it's name until just now. Thank you for this article.

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4 years ago