Education Character in the Middle of a Pandemic

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3 years ago

It has been almost eight months since the children had no face-to-face interaction with the teachers at school. During that time the children are accompanied by their parents in the distance learning process. How is the condition of the children's character today? Is it better because you are in the middle of your family or are you getting worse?

A great danger we will face if character education during this pandemic is only touched upon. Even before the pandemic, it could not be said that one hundred percent success rate of character education in the school or family environment. Especially during a pandemic like this. Before the pandemic hit the world, there were often embarrassing incidents such as student attacks hitting their teacher.

Or vice versa, teachers who sexually harass their students. Not to mention the rampant promiscuity of promiscuity among teenagers. This is a sign of the unsuccessful character education in schools and families before the pandemic. This condition will get worse if the control of character education in both educational environments is weak due to the pandemic.

Who will be disadvantaged by neglected character education? In the short term, it could be a student. However, in the long term, it is the country itself because it is the students who will later assume the reins of leadership in various government agencies in this country. Therefore, it is time for the government as the policymaker to formulate the best way to strengthen character education during this pandemic. Do not let the neglect of character education during the pandemic, degrade the character quality of students. And, it will become a habit, which eventually becomes a new habit (bad) from the era of the 'new habit' itself.

It must be realized, online learning currently greatly affects children's character. And what is more worrying is if the pandemic lasts a long time, then the government is slow and unclear in its policies, especially with regard to character education, so students who will become the nation's next-generation have the potential to lose strong character values ​​due to being accustomed to uneducated facilities in online learning. . Usually, parents restrict their children from using cellphones and are very careful about accessing internet sites, but in online learning, almost all of them use internet devices.

On the one hand, parents want to keep their children away from cellphones, but on the other hand, children have to do tasks from the teacher who is sent to the cellphone. Even today, parents must facilitate their children to have their own cellphones for smooth online learning. If parents do not work outside the home, they can still monitor their children, but this will be a big problem for some parents who still have to work outside the home during this pandemic. Who will control children in accessing the internet and using cellphones?

Uncontrolled freedom in the use of electronic media is a time bomb for the destruction of children's character during learning activities from home or distance learning. Especially children of primary to high school age who have very high curiosity and curiosity. Education not only equips students with knowledge and skills, but also a good attitude or character.

Even character is a very important asset for one's success. Howard Gardner's (2002) research result states that 20% of a person's success is determined by hard skills and 80% by soft skills. In other words, soft skills are a very dominant factor in one's success.

It takes hard work and good cooperation between education units and parents so that character education does not deteriorate. If teachers during this pandemic are responsible for material preparation, think about online learning methods and media, and evaluate children's learning outcomes, parents are expected to take a role in educating children's character. Even though parents work, character building can be done throughout the interaction between parents and children.

For elementary and junior high school children, the use of diaries, companion books, and character control books can make it easier for parents to control the child's character. Scheduling, limiting, and monitoring the use of internet-based media is the obligation of parents today. Scheduling children using cellphones is part of parents' efforts so that children are not addicted to cellphones. The time limitation for using the internet needs to be jointly arranged between teachers and parents so that children have another world that can have a positive impact on their character.

In addition, parents should supervise children not to access internet sites that are forbidden to them, it would be nice if parents were able to block sites that are not appropriate for the child's age. Parents should also "raid" children's cellphones as often as possible to ensure that children do not access pornographic sites and are busy playing online games which are currently endemic. Keeping children away from online games is the responsibility of parents because online games can damage the mind and affect children's activities. Teachers and parents need to establish rewards and punishments so that children become enthusiastic in undergoing all stages of character strengthening.

The process of character development starts from being taught, exemplified/exemplified, accustomed, and then cultivated. Even so, the most important thing in process of character development exemplary, starting from the example of the leader, the example of the parents, the example of the teacher, and so on. In relation to learning from home, teachers and parents can work together to create their examples. Teachers provide educational services through online media to foster and maintain the learning spirit of students, through the tasks they are given (although of course not excessive), teachers foster curiosity, critical thinking skills, creativity, responsibility, and student discipline. Parents develop the character of students through various activities at home such as cleaning the house, cooking, caring for animals, caring for plants, entertainment, and so on.

Community worship activities at home can also be a strategic means to develop good character in children, especially with religious and social values. Parents can start practicing sunnah worship for their children such as observing the Sunnah fasting on Monday-Thursday together. In addition to carrying out Allah's orders, fasting also trains and hones care for people who are less fortunate, especially now that many have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the economic sector. Fasting teaches children to be grateful that they can eat, are still healthy, can still break their fast together, and still be able to worship together. In addition, parents can set an example for their children to help others, at least by helping their neighbors who are in need or donating to orphanages. Accompany the child so that he has a role model in his life. Hopefully, the Covid-19 pandemic disaster will disappear soon, and our country will be given courage and strength in maintaining and protecting the character of the nation's children.

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Written by
3 years ago


During covid 19 anything that is related to education has stopped but now thank god

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think it somehow a good or great idea that the children or kids r on blended learning or in online classes because the parents can teach their own child n they will also see how their children at school n what they r doing there, what's their attitude while studying or in school, if they r attentive n listening to their teacher

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Children at home are more lax than in school. They don't listen to parents if you don't become firm in controlling them. However, it depends on the parents how they control the situation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love the topic you discussed on.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The teachers miss a lot and even the students in general

$ 0.00
3 years ago