Educating Children to Not Be Trapped in Racism Culture

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The issue of racism reappeared and became a hot conversation. Starting from the death of a black man named George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, after being trampled on his neck by a white police officer, named Derek Chauvin on May 25, 2020 then.

It is indeed difficult to solve this problem, but it is possible to reduce racism in a number of ways, and one thing that is no less important is how to break this culture by equipping children who are in fact the next generation.

We understand that basically children are born with a neutral perception of everything around them. The formation of perception during the growth and development of children arises because of various factors, including how people around react to other people or certain events.

There are two things that are usually easily digested by children about racism, namely when distinguishing physical appearance and certain ethnic groups. "Physical appearance can be seen directly from vision, while ethnic groups or races, we can take it in terms of language there are differences too".

The role of parents here is very influential whereby teaching children the anthropicism begins early, with the hope that children will understand the value of other social learning, such as understanding the feelings or emotions that arise when distinguished, the need to empathize with others, the importance of understanding differences and respecting others, and the benefits of respecting others. When they show verbal ability and can observe human differences, especially physical. Teaching anti-racism to children can be done by telling stories.

A small but influential statement might imply that racism is conveyed to children as a painful act, whether it is in the form of verbal ridicule or insults, or online that has an impact on dislike of certain groups. Demonstrate that racism is not only demonstrated by verbal means, such as making fun of friends, but also attitudes such as how to look at friends who are of different skin color, different languages, cultures, gender, religion, and socioeconomic status

When children understand that they are different from other children, and are accustomed to seeing diversity and respecting diversity, it will be easier to explain the definition of racism.

Breaking the chain of racism culture by giving understanding to children from an early age is considered very possible. Moreover, if parents always provide guidance and open discussion space for children if they see or are facing problems related to racism.

Another important thing is education, where education is the best tool to counter racism and discrimination, and to build a tolerant society. Therefore, teachers need to be careful in interacting with students. Schools must develop teacher professionalism to be fair and create safe learning spaces without differentiating. In addition, schools can help students develop positive thoughts about one's ethnic or racial identity by giving them the opportunity to become role models.

By instilling this it is possible that our hopes for the future of the word racism will not emerge and this is a step where the role of parents and environment is very contributing to resolve this problem.

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Sooo nicely written..thanks for sharing your thoughts..racism must be eradicated amongst the young generation

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is a nice articke regarding children education. Thaks for shsring sucg a great idea

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Its true. We have to learn our childs at their early age that racism is not good for community and we have to educate them from childhood. Your artical is good and important for us.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a very good point for parents to note. Racism is a big threat to the whole world at large. It is a serious social vice which children must not embrace. Thanks.

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4 years ago

Racism is common in everywhere. When we go to in any interview, when we go to choose our life partner we face this racism. Even we say beautiful always to them who are white!

$ 0.00
4 years ago