Dream Weaver

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2 years ago

Everyone must have a dream, and various things that have been present in human life are mostly born from dreams. But it's not just a dream like a dream in broad daylight, a dream that contains various things about the desire and ambition to be able to create and present it with real and logical thinking. There are even those who come from dreams that are not accepted by society or are considered unreasonable and even become evidence that people's judgments were wrong at that time. Dreams may be just a flower of sleep for some people, but dreams can also be interpreted as an idea or idea about various things that exist in the world. And more often it becomes a laughing stock when a dream or it can be said that the idea of ​​the dream is present.

Everyone is born through a process, no one is born as an adult suddenly. So through the process of childhood, when he was a child he certainly had many dreams he wanted to achieve. Like a saying, ideals are a small part of a real dream. And this proses shows the existence of a process that cannot be separated from it. Where we used to say it was a journey.

Childhood is so beautiful, so pure, and so holy. There are many things they know but do not know for sure. Various dreams are created, such as a weaver who collects his woven slowly but surely so that he is said to be a dream weaver. From one dream, another dream is born. Sometimes forgetting the previous dream, replaced by a new dream that he wants to achieve immediately. That was a beautiful time when they were small children who were still full of joy, jokes, and laughter. Which sometimes makes every adult laugh about every dream that is said or thought to them.

Is it wrong to have a lot of dreams, that's okay, isn't it? Even for adults. As long as the dream can create many positive things for the person concerned to be able to pursue his dream so that it can be realized. Don't we always bring new dreams every time? So creating diversity will make the journey of life more patterned and nuanced. Whether it's just an ordinary dream or a dream that can be said to be extraordinary.

Yes, even if you don't get carried away by dreams so easily that you forget your real obligations. Because the fear is not being able to accept the reality of what is happening is very big and feel confident in the realization of the dream that is dreamed of. Confidence is good, but don't overdo it because too much will usually have a bad impact later. Instead of succeeding, it's even worse. In essence, knowing yourself, and also knowing your own limits even though it's just a dream.

Image by videaki from Pixabay 

Dream Weaver, knitting a thread together, like stringing a dream to make it come true. With the formation of all things in accordance with the expectations that are dreamed of, of course. So that the process is carried out in accordance with the right path and direction. And presenting a probability value that can be said to be successful is more likely to be obtained.

Regardless of whether the dream comes true or not, convince yourself that you are still grateful for being able to dream and have dreams. Because there are many out there who can only dream but can only bury their dreams because of their inability, limitations, conditions, and circumstances. And what is even more grateful is that the benefits of creating a dream are free of charge and unlimited, just imagine if you only want to dream but have to pay for how it will turn out the dream world will be full of dreams and creative imagination which in time turns out to be very useful for human life.


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Written by
2 years ago


Everyone has dreams in their life. Once my sir said who has no dreams he has no future. Watch dream, set goals and then achieve it with consistency. If anyone has a dream he should chase it, otherwise, your dreams will be just a fairy tale, not a dream. My dream in life is to serve humanity. So I am alhamdulillah very near to fulfilling it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Dreams teach us to live. Everyone needs to have some or the other dream otherwise it becomes difficult to reach the specific goal.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

To live is to have dreams in life, that is why what ever we are dreaming hope lets cling to that one day it will come to life, and when that comes lets us all be grateful that finally we achieved the things that long time ago we just long for.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Honestly everything in our life has meaning.. Because after death all dreamers, rich peoples, poor peoples are will get buried in cemetery

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well said we everyone should have dreams but there should be no condition to fulfill them but to struggle them to make them true

$ 0.02
2 years ago

When I was young, I used to have so many dreams in life ahead of me. But now that I'm an adult, I only have few dreams, dreams that are much realistic than before.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is so positive! Yes, we all weave our dreams. New ones. Some are fulfilled, some are not.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

May God let our dreams to be fulfilled.

$ 0.00
2 years ago