Chicken eggs

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2 years ago

Time as a marker made to treat human forgetfulness. And it is proof that humans always want to control themselves. Don't want to be eroded by the rhythm of time that he should be worried about.

Image by Markus Kammermann from Pixabay

We and chicken eggs, an ordinary things that will be found in our daily lives. Chicken eggs are one of those choices and should be on our shopping list every day. Although it is only limited to eggs, there are many kinds of variations that can be produced from a chicken egg.

Image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay 

Chicken eggs are a common food menu that you will find and easy to prepare every day for us. In terms of price and language of scarcity, maybe chicken eggs are one type of choice that has not been heard until it is difficult to get them at this time for us. So chicken eggs are always the final choice in the midst of confusing conditions to serve or want to process food.

Fried eggs, omelet, boiled eggs, or soy sauce eggs are common and become common things that are usually easily found in every food stall in Indonesia. And it also indicates that chicken eggs may also be the choice of many people when financial conditions hit or beyond that they are bored with the food they eat every day. But somehow chicken eggs put the position in a position that is rarely said to be a portion of boring food.

Image by RitaE from Pixabay 

 Then why at the beginning mention the issue of time and forgetfulness and then moved on to chicken eggs?

Maybe to remind me in every bad condition or not, the chicken egg places its position as a reminder of the existence that is cheap, ordinary, and easy to find but can be something important in life without realizing it.

Any form of food is likely to be processed and requires the presence of a large number of eggs. As if the egg is a guide as an ingredient to make something. From bread, cakes, and other forms of food. If it is specified only for chicken eggs, it remains a complementary choice to staple foods.

Cheap, easy to get, chicken eggs take their place to be everyone's choice. It doesn't have to be labeled as an expensive food label. Chicken eggs remember themselves to exist only, even if only limited to eggs. And with regard to the question of time, are chicken eggs eaten by the ages? Never abandoned from time to time. Without control or controlled.

Chicken eggs may have a fragile shell, but protect the very existence of their contents.


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Written by
2 years ago


Chicken eggs are really afford able healthy food to cook instantly. It can be cooked in number of ways and dishes

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Chicken egg is one of best easy food ingredient.when I was in hostel and our cooking man is in vacant then maximum time I made egg fry and rice.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

One day this thoughtful egg will dominate the world

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Eggs, eggs, eggs... That's surrounding on my head now. Eggmania 😍

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Chicken eggs is my favorite food.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Chicken eggs are the easiest food to prepare espescially when you're on the go however when I eat too much of it, I start to develop a tiny rash on the face which is unsightly. I don't know but I need to eat eggs on rare times.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

be like chicken eggs even though it is cheap but many people are looking for and become the main choice. Be a simple person but have a noble attitude and actions because that's what people will remember.

$ 0.02
2 years ago