Are You a Coffee Lover?

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4 years ago

Of course, many people think that coffee lovers and lovers are the same. But if you look deeper, coffee lovers and lovers are distinguished by a thin line called 'seriously'. Those who enjoy coffee enjoy coffee very well. Understand enough coffee and it's okay if you don't drink coffee a day. While lovers certainly not just that. They love coffee so much that it's impossible to taste it if you don't drink coffee a day. Loves coffee inside and out, knowing coffee with enough knowledge and considers coffee more than just a drink of leisure.

So are you a coffee connoisseur or a lover? Maybe some of the things below can describe the true signs of coffee lovers.

  • The most pleasant time for you is a cup of coffee, a good book that you enjoy at a favorite coffee shop. For you, it's okay as long as you have coffee.

  • Knowledge of your coffee qualified. You understand more or less about beans, coffee processing, types of coffee drinks, coffee-making methods, and the ins and outs.

  • You no longer drink bottled coffee and instant coffee.

  • Coffee without sugar is actually coffee. If it's contaminated with sugar for you it's no longer coffee.

  • Have a regular coffee shop whose barista knows you because you often drink coffee there.

  • Certainly, understand the difference between café latte and cappuccino. As simple as that.

  • For you, coffee is a must drink wherever you go. No matter if it's hot or cold. Coffee is still delicious even in any form.

  • You spend money on coffee. Whether it's for drinking coffee in a favorite coffee shop and trying a new coffee shop, buying funny coffee cups or even buying coffee tools for coffee at home. In fact, you often save money to buy a dream coffee maker.

  • If you go to another city or travel anywhere, the first thing you worry about is "is there a coffee shop for a good coffee or not?"

  • 90% of your Instagram photos are coffee photos or coffee-related matters.

  • The most fragrant aroma is the aroma of brewed coffee. The most melodious sounds are the sound of ground coffee and the sound of spoons clashing with cups when making a cup of coffee.

  • Delicious coffee is absolute. Others can be tolerated.

  • You never leave coffee in your cup. For you every drop of coffee is precious.

If there are only eight points you have ever done on this list, then you are officially crowned a coffee lover.

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$ 0.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
4 years ago


I just love Coffee

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think that's borderline addiction somehow? Byt i guess i qualify for that as well. Though I'd like to point out that there are instant coffee brands that are on par with fresh brews and those are great for people always in a rush

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Then you are not a coffee lover, for two reasons. One; that you accept instant coffee. Two; for a genuine coffee lover there is no such thing as a rush allowed to come between him/her and his/her coffee.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Really? But then wouldn't preference play a matter in this too? I have a long way to go XD

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I just want to drink as much coffee as possible. My fave is green coffee

$ 0.01
4 years ago

Coffee makes us palpitate but in so many ways it allows us to relax and refocus. That's for me.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yup absolutely right

$ 0.00
3 years ago