Anger and Lust

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3 years ago
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It's normal to see people angry with us, but before we used to get angry too, making something that provoked us to be angry. Apart from that, can that be used as an excuse?

Following anger can still be said to be good as well as following lust. Both of these things often come out in the pattern of life which basically will always come in living life.
And it can be said that actually every human being actually tends to know that this is a bad thing, and all want to avoid both tastes. Because, awareness of these two things certainly does not give a good effect in the end.

And when we realize and try to avoid these two things sometimes we get stuck and can't avoid it. When finally anger and lust are satisfied, can the basis of all the consequences of anger be justified?

There is nothing perfect in every human being. Every individual is different and will not be the same. There are those who have extraordinary patience, there are also those who have a little level of patience. How do they do it and why can't some do it?

Anger and lust for bad things that result in basic difficulties that will damage the human heart if it continues to be fulfilled. There is nothing positive about both of those things if it continues to be fulfilled. In fact, it can be said to bring damage and disaster that is truly extraordinary.

Various bad things from these two things we often see and consciously from ourselves can also arise from these two things. Giving a value that is so detrimental not only for yourself but also for many people.

Then can these two things be used as the basis for the reason to continue to be fulfilled when we are in a condition these two things come or are difficult to avoid? Small wars and big wars are often the end result of these two things.

Many of us see the end result of the fulfillment of these two things being disastrous for life in the world. Whether from something small or big. Various news even make these two things become the main subject of headlines if something happens that is caused by anger and lust.

Aware of the weaknesses of each human being aware of it. Aware of having power, humans also have it. Then is it justifiable to be aware of the realization of the fulfillment of anger?

Not looking for a problem or a solution. But want to write about these two things, why is it difficult to avoid them. While there are also many people who can avoid it and can even control these two things, it is something that will not come out of him. Is it because of the high level of patience that the level of thought in his life path is so broad?

Of course, there are also many people who want to have patience and be able to control it well. In the era of seeing conditions that are easily triggered today, can life be used as an excuse to trigger other people to be angry?
Or because the fulfillment of a sense of satisfaction can be categorized as the basis for allowing lust to be fulfilled?

A few discussions of the two vices that have become commonplace we see today. Without such a meaningful basis, it becomes commonplace. Is it different, is it the same? Where it is very difficult now to say that unity and unity are achieved. It's easy to split and split. So strong is anger and lust now that has swept the world behind the progress of such a great era. Building a pattern of education for the next generation wrapped in anxiety and worry. Positive values ​​have been left behind and resulted in more negativity in the primary upbringing.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Free write, Write


I would agree more. Let us also be careful to these two words for sometimes they hide their true forms. Anger with passiveness and lust with love. This two may also wear mask and or have different faces.

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3 years ago