And they come after another

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2 years ago

Sad and happy are certain and this is destiny. When there is a meeting, there will certainly be a farewell that will be present in the sequel. When there is happiness, there is the sadness that accompanies it. Before deciding anything. Sometimes we are haunted by feelings. Is the action we are going to do right? Everyone must have felt how tight war is with themselves. Inner war. Realizing that what is wrong is wrong and what is right is right. But sometimes we still do it in an action. Though the heart openly refuses. And we are in the existence of two outcomes that will be happiness or sadness?

So happy when you can solve something that is a burden or problem in an obligation, not because of pride, but a problem of responsibility in life. Success in passing the process is certainly full of struggle! It feels good when it's gone, satisfied......! free ......! it's time to face what's coming next. Resolve will be other things that will be found in the future. Every time will require the determination of important decisions that can not be taken lightly. This is life.

Sad. That's the feeling that humans often feel when the problem is not solved, making a word of disaster hit. One problem goes and one problem comes back, approaching the human side of each. Reaching out and moving on to accompany them to live their more mature lives. Or not in accordance with expectations, loss, and various things that can be heartbreaking, that's where sadness hits.

This is an inevitable certainty. Nothing happens of man's own will. But destiny... Like a series of people who stop by in the seconds of our lives, everything... has been determined they come and go. Likewise with happiness and sadness that come and go. One goes another comes. Take turns accompanying our life journey. When we are met with someone, God tells us to take the wisdom of togetherness from him. It's not a matter of symbiotic mutualism based on worldly pleasures. But the problem is how to weave life so that we can still warn each other in terms of goodness. Achieve the same vision to continue a better life. Yes. And it's not easy.


When the time has come. Time for happiness or sadness to leave its sojourn in the journey of life. Going to return, or leaving forever resolved, forgotten, can also be ignored. Between sad and happy. Happy to have achieved what you have always dreamed of. And sad, because the failure of what you want to achieve is not achieved.

When one passes, goodbyes are sometimes said and sometimes just missed. Congratulations on reaching a new, better future, that is the hope that is present at the beginning of every beginning. Praying with full strands of food is answered, may God always protect you always. The body may be able to forget, but still, the soul can still remind the time that one of them has passed to remind you to come back.


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Written by
2 years ago


Yeah destiny is like a series of peoples. It has upper and lower stage 😐

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2 years ago