Worried but hopeful

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2 years ago
Date: May 17, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Warm greetings my fellow Read.Cash mates!!!

I am back with another personal blog entry! Anyway, how's your day folks? I hope you're doing great today.

Speaking of great, it's great to write something today despite the academic tasks that I am confronting right. Well, I'll just use this little time of mine to share with you all some happenings of my life. I just feel the need to craft a blog today because it feels like I'm starting to become distant here. I feel sad every time I fail to publish an article here. It's like I'm gradually detaching myself from writing. I can't seem to balance my time not just on this very platform, but also on Noise.Cash. Yes, you read it right, I'm likewise inactive on Noise. Hopefully, by the time I accomplished all my scholastic endeavors this semester, I would make more contents here. Hopefully.

Haven't read my previous blog, well, you can easily access it through this link below.


Anyway, for today's blog content, allow me to share with you all my daily journal in our teaching internship here. And so, enough with the intros, let's cut to the chase!

May 16, 2022 (Yesterday)

With Sequoia (my thesis mate)

I went to school yesterday to revise our thesis paper. Not only that but also I help my resource teacher in catering those students who went to school just to get their quarter 4 modules. On one hand, after 12 days of patiently waiting, at long last, I got the opportunity to tell our resource teacher to rate my final demo teaching performance last May 4, 2022. Luckily she has a spare time. That being said, she gave me an excellent remark not only in my actual teaching performance, but also my lesson plan and my instructional material. I couldn't contain my happiness considering the rating I got. I must say that I feel blessed and favored.

May 17, 2022

Today, I went to school provided that our resource teacher instructed me to encode the grades of her Grade 9 Mangium, Betis, Bangkal, Lawaan, and Tipolo students. This means that I did know the grades of those students who stood out in this new normal educational setup. On the other hand, I also cater those students who went to school to get their quarter 4 modules.

Closing Thoughts

Honestly speaking, my teaching internship journey has already concluded yesterday, but I can't dare to tell my resource teacher because she was expecting that the teaching internship will end at July. I was worried because the final submission of all the academic outputs is on the 30th day of May and here I am struggling to make my outputs over the tasks our resource is giving. I'm starting to get pressured, but hopefully I could overcome this adversity I'm facing as of the moment.

I think I'll conclude my blog here, thanks much folks for stopping by. Know that I appreciate you a lot. Know as well that you are worth it.

Sponsors of AlphaCron

Flexing my ever-supportive and generous sponsors. I'll make up with you all very soon. Lovelots 💗

Lead Image:AlphaCron

$ 2.77
$ 2.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.02 from @Pichi28
Sponsors of AlphaCron
Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Alright! What's next in line after internship? Aliw friends pala kayo ni sequoia!! :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Classmates din @Pichi28. Hopefully maka graduate kami this year. 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago