We're together, At last!

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2 years ago

Greetings to my amazing family on this platform!

Well, for this blog entry, I decided to describe my "day" today for the reason that this is not just an ordinary day for me. Besides, this is going to be my free writing exercise.

Anyways, let's start!

I woke up at exactly 7:20 in the morning. Good thing, i woke up 10 minutes before my set time to wake-up which is supposed to be 7:30 am. I just had enough sleep tho. I just felt ecstatic considering the fact that my brother and I are finally visiting home. As you may recall on my previous article, we're 62 kilometers away from our family since we live in another city. I just couldn't help myself but feel the adrenalin rush.

After I did my morning prayer which I usually do everyday, I did arrange everything that's unorganized in our little room. While my brother was doing his thing (working), the next thing I did was to pack our stuff (t-shirts, towel, shorts, pants, and the like). I did make sure that I packed all the necessary things to bring. I think that's what I'm good at--prepping things. HAHAHA

I told my brother that I will not cook rice for breakfast provided that we are going to leave in our place for days. Good thing he approved not to. I just dont feel like washing our plates. Apart from that I hate left-overs. With that said, we just ate "Pancit Canton" (Canton noodles) for our breakfast. After that, I sipped my favorite drink; black coffee with no sugar. I just love coffee. I drink coffee whenever I want to. I already took a bath and put my clothes on at around 9 am.

I always prefer to read 10 articles every morning just to start my day but unfortunately, I only read 1 article due to some unanticipated call from my Aunt. We did talk for almost 2 hours. Be that as it may, don't worry guys for I already saved your amazing blog entries so that when I have my spare time, I will read all of it. I promise!

Fast Forward

We arrived at home at around 1:45 in the afternoon. For how many months of being away from our family, we got to see them in the flesh at long last! Actually, they waited us for lunch so that we can eat together as a whole family. After we have eaten our lunch, my mother was caught bybsurprise because she did not anticipate to receive a super very late birthday present. I could see in her eyes that she liked my present. My heart is filled with nothing but love and happiness. This day was indeed, the RIGHT TIME.

Closing Thought πŸ’›

I can say that this day is just one of the best days I have. I cant contain the happiness that I feel right now. Finally, we are reunited. I just love my family so much it hurts. πŸ’•

I think Ill have to cut my blog entry here.

P.s Im writing this article for almost 2 hours and it's still raining outside. I just dont like when it's raining tho.

(You can check my previous article to know what was my gift for mom) Click the link below so that you will be directed to that article. ⬇


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Thanks for dropping by! Hope you're safe and healthy always! πŸ’™

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$ 0.05 from @renren16
$ 0.05 from @Maryjacy
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2 years ago


Wow! I could feel the happiness in you, going to see your mother is such a great joy for you and your brother and I know she will be happy to see you guys after a long period of time.

Yayyyyy, I could remember the gifts you said you kept for your mom in that article , it gonna amaze her seeing you coming with her birthday gift... This is amazing.πŸ’ƒ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes @Maryjacy πŸ’“ My mother was so genuinely happy with my gift to her. πŸ’•πŸ’•

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Is good to make one's parent happy which you did, she is proud of you. The family are the best and shouldn't be taken with levity hands

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh.. You really have a great day.. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes te, nakauli ra jud ko samong lugar.

$ 0.00
2 years ago