Thoughts and Realizations on Thursday

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2 years ago
Date: February 10, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Greetings, dear readers of Read.Cash!

Kumusta? (How are you?) Is everything going well for you right now? Well, I just hope that despite the many challenges you are confronting as of the moment, you will never get tired of looking on the brighter side of life.

In case no one told you today, know that you are not alone. God is always with you. Always cling to His promise that He will never leave nor forsake you. Life may appear to be so harsh, but you know what, life is still worthwhile and beautiful in spite of the various challenges that we are facing every single day.

Please don't be so hard on yourself. Take things lightly.

Haven't read my previous blog, then please check it out first. By the way, here's the link.

Blog title: What's so special today?
Blog Link:

Undeniably, I was missing in action again for 3 consecutive days. With that said, please forgive me folks. Anyways, today, I woke up early provided that I had to attend a webinar. The webinar is focused on the Mental Health Wellness for us Pre-Service Teachers. Apparently, it was spearheaded by our institution. The webinar started at 8:30 and ended at past 11:30 in the morning. I can't deny the fact that the speakers of the aforementioned webinar are very knowledgeable about their field of expertise as they talk about mental health wellness and thus, how to cope up with stress and the like.

Moreover, they presented their individual topics comprehensively and informatively. Besides, what I like about the speakers is that they have this reassuring and comforting ambiance that really made me want to indulge in the discussion.

Being a pre-service teacher in today's educational setting, I'm quite worried of my performance. I'm worried if I fail in this field that I'm pursuing. I can't deny the fact that I'm starting to doubt myself again. Not only that, but I have this fear of failing at something that matters to me. I feel like, am I good enough to become an educator? As a result, I feel frustrated of myself. One thing's for sure is that I do believe in myself, but sometimes I can't help but think of something that questions my capability as an individual.

On the contrary, even though we haven't started yet the semester, I would have to say that this semester is quite challenging. Likewise, it's so stressful considering the fact that I was able to take a glimpse of what's going to happen. There's no denying that I will be bombarded with a lot of tasks to carry out. I can't help but overthink.

Although we only have two subjects for this semester, notwithstanding, it feels like we are having a lot of subjects because of the academic requirements that we need to comply. To tell you honestly, we're running out of time. If we don't start as soon as possible, then there's a huge tendency that we will fail to accomplish all the required academic outputs. Having that said, our status as graduating students will be at risk.

Despite everything that's bothering me right now, I will choose to remain positive and hopeful tho, that things will be in our favor and that we would have a meaningful semester as we bid goodbye to our institution and confront the realities of life.


As I conclude this blog, I've realized that I should always believe in myself no matter what happens. Even if no one believes in me, for as long as I fully believe in myself, then no one could ever beat me nor shaken my confidence. Apart from this, I should also be mindful of the things that I tell to myself because for sure it will affect me either negatively or positively.

And that's it for today! I hope you get something out from this blog of mine. If you have valuable insights that you want to convey, then feel free to comment. It would be my pleasure to entertain you.

Hope you had a great Thursday! See you on my next blog!<3

Lots of love from your resident Alpha.

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2 years ago


I doubt myself a lot before too. When I was in fourth year of college, I always feel so scared of failing myself and my parent's expectations. But don't worry mate, I know that you can make it. Fighting!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lisud jud kaayu maghuna.x ug topic maabtan pajud uy laay tig 3 days gane ko way upload haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sus ako sa una tinag duha pa ka blog buhaton kada adlaw pero karon, daghan na kayog skip.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

II like that you've decided to believe in yourself no matter what... that's really good most people spend majority of their lives trying to realize that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for your valuable insights @justanny! Nice to meet you here on ReadCash!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ma amaze jud ko nimo yor. Wa jud nawad eg gana yor no? Hays sanaol man kaau. Ako ani ba, kay pangitag kwarta na ang focus huhuhu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Muabot ra jud ko ana na stage Seq. Pero karon goal nato dapat mangahuman nata ani atong mga buluhaton.

$ 0.00
2 years ago