The questions I dare to answer

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2 years ago
Date: October 11, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Greetings, dear readers! 🎉🎉🎉

Tonight, I decided to visit google and search for random questions to answer and make this content for my blog. I don’t know why, but my mind is refusing to cooperate today although I don’t have any school works to do. To be honest, all I did today was read a few articles and chat with my co-writers. Apart from that, I watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith (featuring Brad Pitt and Angelina Joli) on Netflix. I enjoyed watching the film because it is an action film with a touch of romantic comedy. There's just something about their chemistry that's so beautiful.

Anyways, so much for that, let’s start!

Random Questions 📎

1. What's on your bucket list this year?


One of my goals for this year is to practice my writing skills. Considering that I joined this platform, I've been able to find a way to improve my writing skills. I can't deny that I'm not very good at writing. To tell you the truth, I can't help but suffer this so-called "mental block" whenever we have an essay test. I can’t seem to focus and collect my thoughts right away. Perhaps this is due to the fact that tests are being timed. And so, as a result, I am always the last one to submit my paper. I’m just so fortunate that this platform has given me the chance to write at my own will. Thus, what I love about this site is that the writers here are very nice. They motivate you to write and give you positive feedback. I will definitely do my best to improve this skill at all costs. [HAHAHA]

2. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?


If I had the chance to obtain a superpower, it would be the ability to teleport. Why? I'd like to have this superpower so that I can teleport to wherever I want. I want to be able to go to different locations with just a flick of my finger.

South Korea, Japan, Thailand, the United States, and France are all on my list of destinations to visit. Apart from that, I may utilize my power to transport my family to whatever destination they desire. I really want to bring joy to my family. I only have one life to live, and with that, I want to make the most out of my stay in this world.

3. What do you like most about your family?


The closeness we have as a family. I am blessed to have a family whom I can talk to regarding my problems. I am blessed to have parents who are so supportive of my endeavors. What’s good about our family is that we can directly display our affection. Even if I am a grown-up man now, I am not shy to express my love to my family through hugs and kisses.

As much as possible, we should demonstrate our love to our family especially to our parents because it’s not all the time that we get to be with them. Without a doubt, quality family time, connection, and mutual respect are the foundations of a strong family relationship.

4. Do you ever sing when you're alone? What songs?


This is not to brag, but I can sing fairly well. Singing has been my most used talent ever since when I was a little boy. At a very young age, my parents have seen my potential. When I was in kindergarten, I used to be the y if there is a singing contest in our school. I last participated in a singing competition in 2016. (Grade 11).

So, to answer this question, I have to be honest and say that I rarely sing when I'm alone, but when I do, I usually sing Ariana Grande's songs and songs from The Script. I also sing a variety of other songs. I suppose it all depends on my mood.


Thank you guys for reading my article! 😘💕

Sponsors of AlphaCron

$ 0.14
$ 0.05 from @George_Dee
$ 0.04 from @Maryjacy
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
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Sponsors of AlphaCron
Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


It is impossible not to experience writer's block once in a while but you finding a good way to get over it is really important, for instance, you could decide not to write anything but you went on to write something this cool.

I love your response to the question, the ability to teleport is something that I have always wanted because I would love to go round the world and help people with it as well.

Family is a one of the greatest gift a man can have and the bond we share is something I appreciate more as a family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I couldnt agree you more. 💕 Ahhh 💗 thank you for reading my article @George_Dee! This means a lot to me!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're already fulfilling your bucket list. Your article is great keep it up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for the positive feedback @HappyBoy💕 I appreciate you commenting my article. Stay safe and healthy!❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! I love singing too, whenever I'm lonely I always do nothing but singing. So you're in my niche too! That's amazing!

Errrrrrrrrr, what a wild imagination of possessing a superpower of teleporting yourself to any country of your choice, and your family as well, I will love to possess that kind of power too, there's are so many places in my mind that I will love to visit.

I believe you can always build your writting ability through this platform, you'll get to do things you thought is impossible. That's just the beauty of this place and it pretty cool that you're see it's positive side.

There's nothing Worth more than our family, we should always try to put them in high esteem and live each moment with them like that will be our last time with them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really appreciate your comments about my article @Maryjacy! Thank you for taking the time to read it. Indeed, we should always make our family be proud of us. ❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always my pleasure to read your article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to know that you also like to sing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, i am so blessed that God has given me this talent. ❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago