Sorting alone

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2 years ago
Date: December 3, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron 

A rainy evening my hoomans on this platform!

Just a quick chit-chat, I felt worried yesterday for the reason I haven't felt the presence of Rusty. He wasn't able to visit me and I don't know the reason why. I'm starting to think some negative thoughts. Be that as it may, as I asked my friend about it, I got a sigh of relief for she gave me an assurance that Rusty will be back. I thought, maybe Rusty was just having a rest day. Hahaha. On one hand, as I checked my account, I couldn't help but feel happy. Finally! He was able to drop by today. I hope that he would visit me every day.

If you we're not able to drop by on my previous blog entitled, "November goals: Did I achieve or not?," then here's the link dear.

Anyways, let's head to the main topic of this blog entry.

So yesterday, I chatted my classmate/best friend about going to school to help our cooperating teacher (CT) in sorting of modules. Of course, I asked our CT first about it on the same day when I chatted my best friend. As her response regarding on my message, she told me that there are modules that need to be distinguished based on the subject. Likewise, it would be best if we go to school after lunch, she said. So, I said to her that we will be there at around 1:30 in the afternoon tomorrow if that's okay with her. Good thing she agreed.

Fast Forward | Today

I don't know why but every time we go to see our CT at school, the weather will exhibit an unpleasant mood. It seems like he doesn't want us to meet our teacher. Since the sky is gloomy and is about to cry, my best friend messaged me beforehand that she can't go to school because of the bad weather condition. Besides, the reason why she can't go is because she was having a headache. She's afraid that if she soaks herself in the rain, she might catch a cold and worsen the pain in her head. Considering that she's not feeling well, I understand her tho. With that said, I informed our CT regarding on her condition. Good thing, she completely understood the unforeseen circumstance.

Apparently, I went to school and sort modules all by myself. To be honest, I never expected that I will be dealing with a lot of papers. When I say a lot of papers, I meant a sack of papers (the modules). I started sorting the modules at around 2 pm. Actually, I haven't felt exhausted while doing the task, in fact I felt enjoyed doing it even though it's raining.

I was sorting the modules outside the school (help desk area)because the school is strict in terms of letting someone enter the premise except if you're a teacher in the school. Anyways, I was able to finish sorting at exactly 4:20. So, the last thing that I would do is to transport the modules in the faculty room which is inside the school. I was overwhelmed considering that I was able to have the chance to go inside the premise. The guard has no choice but to let me in. Hahaha. I think I'm the only Pre-Service teacher who happened to enter the school. What a privilege for me tho! Of course, I didn't forget to take pictures inside the school. After that, I bid goodbye to my CT. That's all! What a soup right? Lol.

Captured and edited by AlphaCron
Captured and edited by AlphaCron

Closing Thought ✨

"Learn to be alone and to like it. There's nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like your own company." --Mandy Hale

I intended to put this statement in this blog to remind you all that being alone can also be a good way to get to know yourself even more.

Thanks for reading my blog entry! Hope you had a great day today. ❤ Love you!

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2 years ago
