SOLO FLIGHT: Why I choose to be SINGLE

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2 years ago
DATE: October 13, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Greetings to my ever-supportive and awesome Read.Cash family!

This blog entry that you are about to read is something that I believe you all can relate to especially to all single ladies and gentlemen on this platform. To those who are in a relationship or a marriage stage, you can still read this article tho ‘cause after all, I made this exclusive for everyone!

Anyways, without so much segway, let’s get straight to the main topic!

“Why are you single?”

"When are you going to get a girlfriend/boyfriend like your friend?"

“Why remain to be a third-wheel?”

Whether we admit it or not, I know we get to come across with these nonsensical questions. Like abcdefg, why being single is big of a deal? Is it really necessary to have one? Is that a requirement for us to comply? Is it necessary to join the bandwagon? Do you think we have a boring life just because we are single?

People have reasons why they choose to be single and the best thing you can do is to respect their decisions in life. They have reasons that you do not know so better shut your mouth or just support them. I just want you guys to know that there is no problem with being single and it is not even a big issue, to begin with. As someone who's single, here are my reasons.

It's a big responsibility that I can’t manage for now

The reason why I choose to be single is that I prefer not to indulge in a relationship. Being in a relationship for me is a big responsibility that I must put into consideration. Truth be told but being in a relationship means you are going to invest your time, effort, money, and energy to your partner. I believe in the saying, "You can't give what you don't have." How can you play your part as a boyfriend/girlfriend If you don't have these? Getting into a relationship is a serious matter. With that said, you need to consider a lot of factors before you can finally say you're ready and committed.

There’s a perfect time to indulge in a relationship

I believe destiny will play its part if it's a perfect time and this perfect time will lead me to the right person who will completely accept me for what and who I am. Someone who truly sees my worth and substance as an individual. Someone who will bring out the best in me. I don’t want to settle for a temporary relationship. I used to know a lot of people who are fond of having a temporary relationship. I don’t know what they are trying to prove but you know what, who am I to judge them anyway? I’m in no business to mind their lives.

Maybe, they are doing it because they are giving themselves more opportunities to meet the best person for them. Nonetheless, I do hope that there’s no lust involve in their relationship. In my own opinion, I think a temporary relationship exists because of cheating. A lot of relationships have been destroyed due to this act of insatiability.

I prefer to have a peaceful life

When you are in a relationship, it is very common to experience conflicts with your partner. But, when it comes to a point where you are always fighting for some shallow reasons, well it’s a different story. And so, being single enables me to keep away with this circumstance. Indeed, words cut deeper than a knife, and so as much as possible, I don’t want to inflict pain on someone thru my words. I want to avoid having arguments that will surely lead to heartaches. I want to stay emotionally healthy. Staying single means being away from the pointless drama. Life is already stressful, I don’t want to add more problems to my life.

I can focus on “ME”

One good thing about being single is that you have all the time for yourself. As a result, you begin to love yourself even more. Apart from that, you have more chances to develop a new skill or practice your existing skills. You get to discover and know yourself even more. Truth be told but when you are in a relationship, you tend to spend time with your partner to the point that you will realize that you have not spared a little time for yourself.

You realize that instead of chitchatting to your partner, you could have just learned a new skill that would be beneficial for your personal growth. Don’t get me wrong about my assumption guys. I'm just having the best time of my life because I have this so-called “freedom.” I don’t have to ask permission from someone. My parents are enough for me. I believe it is not selfish to focus on myself because what I’m doing is an act of loving myself.

I can focus solely on my academics.

To me, academics is life. With that said, being single is a big advantage for me. Being single means, I can improve my productivity since my focus is solely on my studies. I get to improve myself as a student and as a teacher in the future. Being single means, I can’t experience being pre-occupied while taking the exams just like what my friend experienced. I can’t experience crying knowing that my remarks are being affected by my emotional instability. Being single means, I have so much time for my studies.

Closing Thought 💡

It is okay to be single What is not okay is when you force yourself to be in a relationship just because peer pressure is taking hold of you. If I want to, I can be in a relationship however, this is not one of my priorities. On one hand, it is imperative that you allow no one to influence your life choices. Lastly, I feel that you can never truly love someone if you don't know what it is to love yourself.


I just want to thank my new sponsor @yhanne! As well to my other sponsors! I love you all! 💕

Thanks guys for dropping by! Stay safe and healthy! ☺😘❤

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2 years ago


People always asked me that! Now I´m no longer single (I´ve been with my boyfriend for 2 and a half years now) butthey are still asking something! "When will you live together?" "Where will you live together?" "When will you have a baby?" (for this question I always respond: "never" because we don´t want kids)... I feel like the questions are never-ending. 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Stay strong on your relationship with your boyfriend sponsor! ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly! What you have said truly makes sense.

On the other hand, here are some of my assumptions about you while I'm reading this one, you seem to be the serious type so I thought you're older than your age. I honestly thought that you're already a professional. LOL. Good thing, I've got a confirmation on the last part that you're still a student.

Good luck with studies, good luck with being a future teacher. What a noble profession it is. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True love waits, it will come in the right time when you are fully ready. Just focus first on your studies and loving yourself😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I couldnt agree you more! Thank you sponsor! ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was a smart decision. Mas masarap maging single, less stress..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, darating yan sa tamang panahon. 💕 Thank you po for dropping by!

$ 0.00
2 years ago