So, what's the plan?

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: June 1, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

As I was browsing for some quotes on the internet in relation to graduation, I came across with the statement of Orrin Hotch where he shared his thoughts about graduation. According to him, graduation is not the end, but it’s just the beginning. Having said that, I couldn’t help but to agree with him.

I agree that graduation does not end your journey as a learner. Your life after graduation does not hinder you to learn something and improve yourself even more. Thus, it does not hinder you to become somebody you thought you could not be. As a matter of fact, after graduation, you will begin to shift another chapter of your life as a young adult. You will begin to see the world on another level and perspective. You will begin to realize how difficult your life can be after graduation.

There is no doubt that after graduation, the pressure will start to appear on the surface to the extent that it will consume us if we can’t manage ourselves. Not only pressure is present in us, but also we experience frustrations in life. There is no denying that life after graduation is indeed very challenging. It’s a stage of life where you need to be matured in terms of your decisions in life.

On the contrary, most students if not all, plan on finding a decent job after they graduate. However, in my case, after I graduate, since I will not be going to be taking the LEPT this year, I am planning to further my professional development

As soon to become a TLE teacher, I must be equipped with not only theoretical knowledge, but likewise practical knowledge. I must acquire these two knowledge so that I may be able to give justice to the profession that I have pursued. And so, I am planning to attain different technical fields through attending trainings in TESDA. I have been planning to obtain national certificates. This will serve as my credentials and an evidence that I am highly qualified and competent individual not just in my field, but also in other fields.

After I attained my goal this year, I will then proceed to taking the licensure examination for professional teachers. I decided to take the examination next year because I don’t want to compromise my time to review. I want to prepare myself fully for this examination. By God’s grace and mercy, I will triumphantly

pass the exam for whatever I ask for in prayer, I believe that I will receive it, and it will be mine.

Taking the examination is undeniably stressful, that said, I will take my time to rest just to regain my energy. Just a month will do. For a span of one month, I will write more blog contents on Read.Cash. After a month of unwinding myself, I will try to indulge myself it’s either in the world of ESL teaching or BPO. I would want to try these jobs provided that I want to boost my self-esteem and confidence especially when it comes to my communication skills. I want to be confident enough in speaking the English language.

On the other hand, if I will be given the opportunity to teach either in private or public school, I will really grab the opportunity. Let’s assume that 5 years have passed, I think I already completed my master’s degree during that span of time. After I got my master’s degree, I think I will not pursue a doctorate degree for I will pursue other careers such as flight attendant or entrepreneur since these two careers are very close to my heart as well.

Warm greetings, my dear Read.Cash community!

Indeed, I surpassed almost a week of not writing any blog entries here on Read.Cash (insert sarcasm). It just so sad to admit that I have let myself miss a lot of precious happenings on this platform. Should I blame my academic endeavors for having the worst performance last month? Well, not of course. I love to prioritize first my acads even if it means I have to give up temporarily my blogging activities here. Besides, considering the situation of BCH last week, I must admit that I felt discouraged to write.

Anyway, speaking of month, today is the first day of the month of June, and I’m thankful for this opportunity because I got to publish this blog. It’s been a while folks. I’ve missed you all! How’s life treating you so far? Well, I’m confident that your much stronger than your adversities. I am confident that whatever you are confronting right now, you will eventually make a way to get through it. In case no one told you today, you are an amazing person. Know that I believe in you and that you have my support! Fighting!

Keep an eye out for my next blog! ❤

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


You have a clear plan ahead. Sana ol hahaha. Good luck sa next chapter ng buhay mo. I hope you succeed 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sounds like a good plan. I wish you all the best! I'm sure you'll pass your exams. BPO companies are a good place to start toxic as it may be but there's always good and bad everywhere. The important thing is to learn for education is never ending.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for this Sir/Kuya Art! ❤ Thanks for stopping by! Hope you're doing great today!

$ 0.00
2 years ago