Seizing the moment

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: March 31, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

What's up my dear Read.Cash mates!!!

After 2 days of being inactive on this platform due to academic responsibilities, your resident AlphaCron is back again with another personal blog!

How are you to find out guys? Hahaha. Kidding aside, seriously how are you my dear brothers and sisters of Read.Cash? Should I assume that your doing well or not? If not then I'd like to comfort you by saying that, you will get through all the difficulties you are confronting right now, may it be financially, mentally, and emotionally.mentally.

I know you are trying your best every day to cope up and be as well as you can possibly be. If you want to feel light, then release that heaviness inside you; the burden that you are carrying for a long time. Cry all you want. It's okay not to be okay sometimes my dear, but make sure to rise up from the situation that you are into as soon as possible. Know that problems are always there to intimidate or provoke you, but regardless of that, don't let yourself be controlled by your problems or else it will eat you alive. I am certain that what you can overcome it. Just brave and have faith in God.

Anyway, before heading straight to the main piece of this blog, I'd like you to check out my previous blog. That being said, here's the link.

Food Treat with my BF

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For today's personal blog, allow me to share some of my weekdays' happenings as a pre-service teacher. I'm writing this blog provided that this will serve as a reason for me to write my journal every time I am on duty as a pre-service teacher. It's like I'm hitting two birds with just only one stone. Anyway, let's cut to the chase!

March 29, 2022

It was around 8:30 am when my buddy and I arrived at the main campus of our cooperating school. During the past few days, all we did is to sort modules and other paper works, but this time what we did was way too exhausting. We performed general cleaning in the cookery lab. Not only my buddy and I who were carrying out the task but also our co-pre-service teachers majoring mechanical technology. It was indeed very exhausting considering how untidy the lab was.

In spite of that, we were able to clean the whole lab because everyone has its assigned job. I was glad of that day provided that we were able to have a free lunch. As a result, I didn’t use my allowance for food. We were able to finish cleaning at quarter to 3 in the afternoon.

After that, we ended up going to our individual homes of course with the approval of our resource teacher. There is no denying that the role as well of a teacher is to be a cleaner. As teachers, we need to show to our students that we are not only good at teaching but also, we are good at other things like cleaning. I should strive to become a teacher in the future who is worthy of emulation.

March 30, 2022

Although it was my day-off yesterday, however, I couldn't help myself but be busy provided I needed to study for my scholarship exam this upcoming April 9. Likewise, I was busy rehearsing the content of my lesson plan. As a result, I slept late last night.

March 31, 2022 (Today)

Today marks my 3rd actual class teaching. I believe I was able to deliver the instruction to my students considering that they really are actively participating in my class. As their pre-service teacher, I am so happy of their performance in my class. In a scale of 1 to 10, I'll rate their performance 9. It's not perfect because perfection is not achievable to begin with. I know few days from now, I will get to see them in person (hopefully), I am hoping that when FTF happens, they will still be as participative as they are.

Closing Thoughts

No words can convey how much I'm grateful for my students. Through them, I get to realize my profession's world. It's really not easy. It's challenging but in a positive way. Without a doubt, I am now responsible for their learning. I just hope that I get to give them a meaningful learning experience for they deserve it.

I think i'll end my blog here! Thanks for reading everyone. Hope you had a fantastic day. <3

Lead Image: AlphaCron

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2 years ago


Ohooi very productive naman pala ang araw mo sa nakalipas ng ilang araw ehee. Nag eenjoy ka din naman kahit pagoda lagi ano ehee

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2 years ago