Life's Odd Turn

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2 years ago
Topics: Realization, Reality
Date: October 5, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

What's up beautiful and handsome hoomans!

If part of your goals everyday is to read articles, then you might as well include this article of mine! 😁 Kidding aside, I made this article as soon as I finish reading this amazing novel of John Green--Looking for Alaska.

It was just so amusing to recall when I came across the title of the novel for I assumed that the story would be about searching for someone else's whereabouts, only to discover that it is far more than that. Anyways, enjoy reading! ❤

Title: Looking for Alaska
Author: John Green 

The life of Miles Halters or known as “Pudge” becomes different after he decided to leave Florida for good to study in a boarding school particularly at Culver Creek Prep. He is a high school boy who is so obsessed with last words from different famous personalities. Staying at a boarding school seemed to not bother Pudge at all.

In fact, he was able to meet new acquaintances and apart from that, he gets to experience something he never thought he could not do. The friendship he invested had flourished as time passed by. However, there is this one friend of him that steals his heart, and her name is Alaska.

Alaska Young is known for being a great prankster in their school. She is smart, funny, and a stunner. Despite the positive attributes she possesses, still, she thinks of herself as a person having a fucked-up life. This is due to her experience in the past when her mother was in great anguish and literally was in a matter of life and death situation. Instead of calling for help, she did nothing but stare at her mom lying before her eyes. She was juvenile when her mom passed away. She thinks that her father blames her for her mom’s death.

On the other hand, to cut the story short, the whole community of Culver Creek Prep was saddened by the news about the death of Alaska Young. Pudge, Colonel, Takumi, Lara and the rest who have been an acquaintance of Alaska couldn’t begin to believe that their friend had died so soon. It pains them to accept about what happened to Alaska most especially to Pudge since he was all along with her the night before the unanticipated occurrence happened.


What I have learned after reading this novel is that life seems to overwhelm us in a way that we get to be clueless—unaware, and so is death. Whenever we hear this word, it seems like there is this dark force swallowing the totality of our being to the extent that we cannot help but to accept the mere fact that we are somehow trapped in a labyrinth of grief and loss. Whenever we hear this word, it feels like fear is taking hold of us. Death is just so weird to begin with.

Although we cannot deny the fact that we humans or other living organisms are destined to perish, however, what makes it more thrilling is the fact that we do not have an idea as to when are we going to succumb in this world for good. Im sure you all agree with me that death arrives in the most unexpected circumstance. Certainly, death is an inevitable situation that we have no control over.

Closing thoughts 💡

I don't believe that we only live to die. I believe that the reason why we exist in this world is because we have a mission to fulfill. What mission? Well, that's for us to find out. However, one thing's for sure, and that is the very fact that we only have one life to live and so with that being said, let us cherish and not waste every single moment of our lives. I hope that may we use our time doing things that can positively benefit ourselves and others as well. May we always choose to do what is right despite this cruel world we are living today. May we all choose to stick closer to God no matter what and thus, may we strengthen more our relationship to Him. LOVE, COMPASSION, and UNITY; that's all we need in this world.

Thanks for reading guys 😘💕

#Newbiewriter #AlphaCron #LookingforAlaska

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2 years ago
Topics: Realization, Reality


I love reading for this reason. Book has a power to pass a powerful message to you, just as art or music does :) nice article. I need go get into reading more. Books are precious.

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2 years ago

I couldnt agree you more sponsor! 💗💗💗

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2 years ago