July Photographs: Significant moments

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2 years ago
Date: July 19, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

What's up my fellow Read.Cash writers!

As I'm writing this blog, I'm a bit irritated because it's raining cats and dogs here in my end. As you may know me, I don't like when it's raining. Despite the feeling of irritation, I won't let this feeling hinder me from crafting a blog.

Speaking of blog, the last time I published a blog was last July 9. Having said that, I've been inactive for 10 days already. What an achievement! (insert sarcasm) Kidding aside, although I'm quite exhausted today because of the requirements for my job that I needed to carry out, however, I feel like I need to write and publish something.

Since I failed to be consistent in my daily routine (which is writing), I can't deny to myself that I am having a tough time thinking what topic to write about today, but after minutes of contemplation, gladly I was able to come up a blog content. I admit It's way too personal but since I considered read.cash a platform where I can freely express myself without the feeling of being criticized, then sharing my personal life stories will not be an issue.

Anyway, if you haven't visited my previous blog, then you may click the link below.


For today's content, I'd like to share with you my noteworthy moments. And so, without any further ado, let's get started!

July 1, 2022

This photograph was captured after we had our graduation ceremony. These people mean a lot to me considering that they have been part of my scholastic completion. I don't consider them as just my classmates because to me, they are my significant people. We were able to survive college because we helped each other especially in crafting our thesis project and paper. I will be forever grateful to these individuals.

July 12, 2022

Chorale Attire
Certificate of Recognition

Every time I look at this award, I can't help but be grateful. It was really an honor to be one of the student-artist awardee in our university. This award means a lot to me provided that even though the pandemic hindered my journey as a choir member, nevertheless, they still recognize me. They even organize an event just for us student-artist awardees to be recognized formally.

July 12, 2022

Childhood best friends✨

When air meets the fire and water!!!

For years of not seeing my childhood best friends because of our different endeavors in life, finally we're able to reunite. Spending my time together with these precious gems feels surreal. Indeed, it pays to wait.

July 14, 2022

My strong grandma🎉

After almost 2 years of staying in Leyte, my grandma decided to live with us again. We were so delighted to see her for we also miss her so much. It's so amazing how God allows us to be with her on her momentous day.

I think I'll conclude my blog here! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you find this blog amusing!

Anyway, keep an eye out for my next blog! Stay safe and healthy!


AlphaCron ❤

Lead Image: from AlphaCron

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Bagay mo maging model bro 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg ang cool nong color nong polo mooooo, bagay sayo. Ganda din ng mga picture ang Happy Granny na grandma nyo UwU.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those pictures are really beautiful..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those pictures are really beautiful..

$ 0.00
2 years ago