If I Stay

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2 years ago
Date: October 12, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

What would it be like if I stay?

Knowing when I wake up, you’re all gone

Should I just sleep forever?

For it pains me to accept how this life of mine turns a mess!

Funny how fate played me

Do I deserve to be at rock bottom?

A question of why; of all people why it has to be me?

What have I done to suffer from this misery!

If I stay, is life still worth living?

This emptiness inside me, could this be easily filled up?

Would these scars of misfortune be concealed by just a snap?

If I do stay, would I still be happy?

How am I supposed to deal with this?

Oh, life! How could you be this so unfair

I know I used to be overwhelmed by you

Yet this time you just cross the line—beating the shit out of me

Am trying to pull myself back together though I am still in anguish

Difficult I must say but, what do I expect? I did stay and now am facing the consequence

Each time I wake up feels like carrying a heavy heart.


In just a snap, everything turned into a nightmare in Mia's life. Due to an unforeseen accident, she lost her precious family while she is also severely injured which as a result, she has to experience being in a state of coma.

Realizations 📎

This book entitled "If I Stay" gives me something to ponder about. The story is a matter of life and death situation in which your decision is literally in your hands whether you choose to stay even though the moment you wake up, you no longer have a family—a life you did not suppose to turn out so bad and painful or just let come what may rule over and just accept the fate you are destined to encounter.

Apart from that, this story made me believe that there are people who still are genuinely concerned about you, that love overflows in their hearts like Kim (Mia's best friend), Adam (her boyfriend), her Gran and Gramps, and the rest of Mia's relatives. The story captures my heart for the reason that it made me realize that life surprises us with an unexpected turn of events.

Indeed, life is so unpredictable that we do not have any idea—it is like it is a question of How long are we going to live in this world? How long are we going to have to bear with the adversities? What mission do we have to accomplish before bidding farewell? These are just questions that even we cannot answer precisely. It's funny how life takes us into the path of the unknown.

End Thoughts 💡

Perhaps, if I were in Mia's situation, I would rather not stay alive only to feel every day as if I am gradually digging my own grave. Knowing you lost the love of your life is extremely agonizing. This will surely leave a hole in the core—the feeling of emptiness that even no one could fill up. It is like you hit rock bottom. It is like you are dwelling in the dark; never wanting to come out.

Choosing whether to stay or not is difficult to decide. It is between you and the Almighty in heaven who can sort things out. I always believe that if it is your time, well it is your time.

Now let me pose a question for you! Will you stay?

Title of the Book: If I Stay

Author: Gayle Forman

By the way, this book has been adapted into a film.

Thank you for reading guys! Stay safe and healthy! 😘💕

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$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
$ 0.05 from @renren16
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
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2 years ago


If is hurting, then stayin is not an option.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Is the movie also titled "If i stay"?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes @HappyBoy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kahilakon lang jud ko naghuna.huna, What if, maiexperience pud ni naho, SIMBAKO!...

Well, if it is God's will, I don't have a choice but to stay. I know, things literally happens for a reason. And maybe for that reason, it will serve as a lesson for me to live my life to the fullest, knowing that God is with me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I couldn't agree you more @renren16. Thanks for reading my article! ❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago