Goals to grind for the month of November

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: November 8, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

What's up my ever-supportive, handsome, and beautiful creatures in this platform!

Is it too late for me now to set my goals for this month considering that I made this blog entry on the 8th day? Well, please forgive me folks. Hahaha. Anyway, If you were with me throughout my journey on this platform, you will notice that I didn't set a goal last month. Do I sound as if I'm an old user on this platform? That's kinda weird. Hihihi. Kidding aside, I would have to say that I surpassed almost a month of being active on this platform. Good thing I didn't give up.

Good thing I get to arrive at this point of time. Good thing I get to write this blog entry. What a privilege for me! I would have to say that I'm so grateful for this opportunity. To the people who believed and supported me since the beginning, I will not be going to get tired of expressing my gratitude. In fact, the word thank you is not enough. You guys are the reasons why I chose to stay. I want to grow with you all.

Last month was indeed a challenging month for me knowing that I decided to stay out of my comfort zone. I decided to take a leap of faith. My thoughts were clashing whether if I am going to stay active on this platform or just give up and be a l*ser. In spite of that, I was able to create blog entries that I never thought I could make. I was so amazed of this other version of me. I couldn't begin to believe how this platform taught me the significance of time management and productivity. Indeed, I've changed but in a positive way. Without a doubt, time really flies so fleetly and over the course of this month (October), a lot of things had done and accomplished.

Anyway, enough of this drama, let's go directly to the main topic of this blog entry which is creating my goals for the month of NOVEMBER.

To reach 60 subscribers on this platform

I intend to make it 60 for the reason that I just don't want to pressure myself. I believe this is enough for this month. Pressuring myself would cause me stress. I already have a stressful academic life deeming that I am a graduating student. So, I should not compromise my well-being

Note to myself: "Don't be too hard on yourself, you can make it."

To publish atleast 21 articles on this platform

Since number 21 is my birthdate, I decided that this month, I'll have to publish at least 21 articles. Sometimes, blog entries can be so challenging and exhausting provided that there are instances where you really experience this so-called "writer's block." You spend time thinking what topic to write for this particular day but end up wasting time. Nevertheless, I'll still try to aim more than 21 articles for this month.

Note to self: "If you have no topics to write about, just rest your mind for a while."

To reach 210 subscribers 210 on Noise.Cash

My current subscribers on Noise.Cash is 182. With that said, by the end of the month, I must reach 210 subscribers. The good thing about this platform is that you can earn just by posting anything that you would like to share to the Noise.Cash community but consider following the rules of this platform. Interact and make friends with your co-Noisers!

Note to myself: "Practice proper netiquette."

Closing Thought ๐Ÿ’ก

"A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline."

-Harvey Mackay

My amazing sponsor๐Ÿ’™

You who's reading this blog entry of mine, Thanks for dropping by! I hope you're all safe and sound. Always find reasons to smile despite the challenges you are facing right now. May God bless us all! โฃ

Sponsors of AlphaCron

$ 4.06
$ 3.79 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.05 from @bbyblacksheep
+ 6
Sponsors of AlphaCron
Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


It is never to late to set a goal or to dream. Your goals are achievable and measurable so I am sure that you will be able to achieve those. And if you don't, please don't feel bad. I too have set some goals but I haven't achieved majority of it. ๐Ÿ˜… but I still nake goals. I just don't pressure myself to much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Walang late sa pag set ng goals, goal lang ng goal aba habang may time. Good Luck naman ang Fightuuuu!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for lifting my spirit @Ruffa! โฃ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure, no problemo ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God bless on your goals dong. Hopefully ma-achieve nimo ang tanan-tanan.. Maju man c.e ka kay active man sad ka sa noise. Ako kay, bawo.. Moodยฒ lang.. Kung kanus.a naho feel, pero mag-comment man sad ko didto, bisan way post. Naa lang juy times nga di ko ganahan mu-visit didto..Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Makalimot sad ko usahay mag post Noise te oys. Depende ra jud ug mahunahunaan. ๐Ÿ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nahh, ako bisan dili makalimot, wa lang jud pud ko'y mahuna hunaan nga i.post.. Ma.drain man gud ang brain..HAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Best of luck mate for your goals. You didn't set a goal for the previous month no worries, try your best this time to do more than your goals. You can do this just with your proper focus. Keep it up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you mate, we can all achieve our goals this month. But if not, don't create another goals unless you achieve the previous. โฃ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hey, I believe that you will reach your goals. All the best and goodluck.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you, Jiji! ๐Ÿ’•

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good luck with your goals. I know ma achieve mo yan. Ano name mo sa noise?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Still AlphaCron po๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Godbless all your goals in this Month. Padayun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks MJAY! ๐Ÿ’—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good luck and that's good,be kind to yourself, don't force your self to write if there's no topic. Don't make writing as a stress. Relax and don't be on rush.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lagi jud te, laban lang ta ani atong endeavor te. ๐Ÿ’•

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can. I have faith in you. You can achieve every goal. I wish you all the best. To be successful in life, you must set goals. You are moving in the right direction.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you dear for dropping by! โค

$ 0.00
2 years ago