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2 years ago
Date: April 12, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

A cozy evening my dear Read.Cash peeps!

What's up folks? Were you able to become productive today? I am confident that you're productive today. Just by being active here is a manifestation that you are just making the most of your time efficiently.

Speaking of active, as you may know by now, I wasn't able to write blog entries for the last 2 days again because I don't have interesting topics to write about. To be honest, there's a lot going on in my head that's why I can't help myself but lose my focus easily. With that, please forgive me folks.

By the way, I would just like to drop my word of the day.

"No guts, no glory"

I just heard this statement from my cooperating teacher today and I must admit the fact that I was being reminded that If I want to achieve something that is beneficial for my personal development, then I should strive to become somebody who is a risk-taker, a somebody who can dare to come out of his comfort zone. We all know that comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there. Having said that, I don't want myself to be stagnant. As much as possible, I should expose myself to the things that will intensify my hunger for learning.

Anyway, were you able to check out my previous blog? If not, then here's the link. I hope you would still consider reading this blog as well.

Even though I'm being so inactive here for almost a month already, nevertheless, I am really trying my best to catch up what I have missed whenever I have my spare time. I just hope that you will still be with me on my journey here on Read.Cash.

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If you want to know my amazing and generous sponsors, I'm encouraging you to subscribe to their accounts and might also read their blogs every day.

For today's blog entry, I'll be using photographs to share some happenings in my life. Without further ado, let's get started!

Photo 1

This photo was photographed yesterday. As you can see, I was busy sorting the modules. These pile of modules were retrieved last Monday, but we managed to it yesterday. Actually, that's not the only modules that I have sorted there are a lot more. Imagine, we sorted the modules during the morning around 9:30 am, but we were able to finish it around 4:00 already.

Photo 2

As for this photo, this was taken by one of the colleagues of our co-preservice teacher. Thus, this was taken after we accomplished sorting the modules. To tell you honestly, this was the first-ever photograph we had with our cooperating teacher. I will surely print this one and make this a memorabilia. This is a memory worth-keeping for.

Photo 3

This picture was taken by me when my bestie and I decided to go to an internet café just this afternoon. Since my bestie misses playing Rules of Survival (ROS), I couldn't help but accompany her and eventually played the game. Actually, because of her, I learned how to play this particular online game. It has been a while since the last we be played this game, that was when we were just 1st year college student. I couldn't deny, I missed playing this game because this is the only difficult game I have managed to learn. It's fun and challenging at the same time.

Anyway, I think I'll have to end my blog here. Thanks folks for dropping by. See you on my next blog! Bye!

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$ 2.92 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Ruffa
$ 0.02 from @Allboy
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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Wahh ikaw ang pinaka matangkad sa lahat haha. Sana lahat. Anyways, ako wala pa sa mood umalis sa comfort zone ko ee, room sana maitatatype ko ee hahahahaha. I mean, still not ready. Magiging ready siguro ako kapag I reach 50 na. Ehehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes ate ruff ako talaga yung mataas sa kanila. Hahaha. Buti nalang tumaas ako kasi nung bata pako sobrang pandak ko. Hahaha.

Anyway, I know you have a lot of things to prove ate. You can do it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No guts no glory indeed. The most successful people take the biggest risk

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed @Aimure. We should be risktaker and a a goal chaser.

$ 0.00
2 years ago