Cast all your cares upon Him

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2 years ago
Date: June 24, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

A glamorous evening my dear Read.Cash homies!

As part of my career development plan, I am currently taking an online course in relation to my major which is automotive. That said, I apologize for my inactivity for the past few days. You know what folks, I'm really having a tough time writing blogs lately. It feels like my interest in writing is gradually losing and as much as I want to be more into it, I keep losing the chance every day because of my other endeavors. Well, as they say, we can't serve two masters at a time.

Now that I'm about to unlock another milestone in my life, it seems that pressure is trying to be ahead of me. Sometimes, I get preoccupied because of the thoughts inside my head; thoughts like,

What's next after graduation?

Was there an opportunity waiting for me after I graduate?

Am I ready to embrace the reality?

Thoughts like that make me want to cease to exist, but after I came across on a TikTok video, I came to a realization that what I am worrying or thinking about is just completely normal, and it's valid. Through that video I felt a sense of relief. It's like I was reminded that I need not to worry for everything will be fine. I just need to roll my burdens to God.  I'll let Him rule over my life; including the future that I'm currently worrying about.

It was stated in the book of Philippians 4: 6-7 that I should not worry about everything, but instead I'll pray about everything; everything that I am hoping to reach or everything that I am concerning about. The only thing that I must do is to tell Him what I need and express my gratitude for all that He has done to me. And by that, I will experience God's peace more than anything I can grasp.

I am hoping that this reminds me every day to not mind the future that is not even predictable. God has a bigger plan for me; a plan that is much meaningful and life-changing.

So, how about you? What makes you worried?

Hey folks! Hope this blog made you realize something! Anyway, thanks for dropping by, and I hope to see you on my next blog!

If you want to visit my recent blog, then I'll drop the link, so you can easily access it.

By the way, speaking of my personal life, today was indeed exhausting mainly because I helped my best friend on her graduation pictorial today. I must say she's been planning everything for this event. As a matter of fact, she hired a makeup artist and rent a stunning gown (a Filipiniana gown in particular) for her formal attire. It's like today, I became her personal assistant/nanny because I was the one who carried most of her stuffs. Not only that but also I helped her how to pose, although I already told her what to do. Well, that's fine with me because I would love to see the outcome it.

And so, here are some of the pics on her graduation pictorial.

What you think? Did she nail the photoshoot?

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$ 6.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


There's a lot of things that I'm worried about but most of the times naiisip ko na maganda kinabukasan ko sa future hehe.. Dapat kung magiisip ka yung maganda na lalo't future na ang nakataya.. Think a lot but the positive one.

Also she's stunning on that gown and with her smile.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maging positive lang dapat ta go pa lagi. ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ganyan na talaga mga isipin nh graduating student ano. Pero wag ka muna mag isip masyado. Basta after mo maka graduate relax muna ng kunti lang then start your Journey na as whatever you want to be. For surr makakahanap ka yan agad so Good Luck!

And ang taray ni bff mo, love thr dress it us so bagay to her body 🥳🤩

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes ate kunting paying attention and then sabak again on another journey. It may seem a bit scary but I'm confident that I can make it.

Speaking of my friend yes ang taray talaga parang si Marga Mondragon hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yoshiiii, AJA!! May rampahan tas sinampal ng dress unh mga marites no hshaha chorrr

$ 0.00
2 years ago