Ask Me: Random Stuffs Version

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2 years ago
Date: February 13, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

A-yo my fellow Read.Cashers!

How can time fly so fast? It's only few hours left until Valentine's Day. To all the lovers out there, are guys excited for tomorrow's event. Well, for sure, a lot of lovers are going to romantic places, eat at a restaurant, or even have a one-day vacation just to celebrate this momentous occasion. I guess the most important thing is that you celebrated this day meaningfully and memorably.

It's Sunday today which means it's rest day and at the same time the end of the weekend. Although it's a rest day, however I have no choice but to be busy today. Good thing is that I woke up feeling invigorated and ready to take on the day unlike yesterday, I felt so demotivated and frustrated because of what happened. Anyways, let's not bring up the past and move forward like nothing happened.

Know what happened to me yesterday? Then do check out my previous blog entitled, "Feelings into words." By the way here's the link.

Since I'm quite busy today, I don't have a personal topic to write about. Fortunately, answering questions is truly a content saver. And so, for today's content, I will be answering this "Ask Me: Random Stuff Version" crafted by @IXLOGO.

Without further delay, let's head straight to the main topic of this blog!

Screenshot by AlphaCron

1. What does your name mean?

To tell you honestly, I got my pseudonym 'AlphaCron' from the term "Cronbach Alpha." I first heard of this term in our Research subject way back in Senior High School. I was completely amazed of this word to the extent that I even used it as my code-name. Lol. You know what guys, If I got to have a son in the future, I will name him Cronbach Alpha.

Anyways, just a short information about the aforementioned term, this term is considered a measure used to examine the reliability of test items.

Certainly, this term is somehow relevant to authenticity. So, I'm authentic. Char!

2. What's on your mind right now?

What's on my mind right now is our Thesis. Actually, I went to my group mate's place today just to help him in polishing our thesis project provided that this coming Tuesday, we will transport our project in the university. The panelists including our thesis adviser are going to check our project. Hopefully, they will help us on how to improve more out technology.

3. First thing you want to do after COVID-19 ends?

I desire to have an outing together with my beloved classmate's. Perhaps, we'll do camping at the beach. Undeniably, it has been 2 years since the last time we were complete. Having that said, I want to create memories together with them.

6. How many hours do you sleep a day?

Honestly speaking, I only have 6 hours and 45 minutes of sleep, and it's enough for me tho.

7. What's your favorite song/s?

Since I'm a fan of Ariana Grande songs, I'll consider all of her songs as my favorites. Period.

8. Any movie recommendation?

I would like to recommend this movie entitled, "The Privilege." It's available on Netflix and for sure you can access this movie through third-party sites. My brother and I watched this movie last Friday and I find the movie disturbing. Just a short spoil, the main character discovers that he's taking a pill for his insomnia that contains a Necrofungus psilocybelis in which it only grows on dead bodies.

If you are fond of watching horror-thriller and conspiracy type of film then this is for you.

9. What hurts you the most?

What hurts me the most is when I see my mother crying. I can't help myself but be emotional as well. I want my mother to be happy always.

10. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

I see myself living a grandiose life. I see myself settling in the United States together with my family. Not only that, but I see myself going to different countries; countries that I've always wanted to go.

14. Something that you are proud of.

I'm proud of the person that I am right now. Being on this platform creating contents to all of you here is a huge achievement I never thought I couldn't do. I'm amazed of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone. Big thanks to the people who supported me and noticed my existence.

And that's it folks! I hope you all find this blog amusing! So, if you want to make a content the same as this, then feel free to do it.

See you on my next blog!

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Lead Image: IG: IXLOGO

$ 2.34
$ 2.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Unity
$ 0.01 from @MoonTrader
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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


I like your questions and the answers. What subjects do you like in your school?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like the subject entrepreneurship although im an automotive major student.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are scopes of entrepreneurship in every field. I like entrepreneurship. It should be taught to the students from middle school.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh it Mr potbelly with his big belly on the pot table . Nice meeting you once again 🤩. Actually I love the fact that you described a bit about yourself that great . I also wish you can achieve your goals and you should b where you want to be in 10 years time . I will check out for the movie . Mr pot belly really loved movie alot 🤩🤩

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks mr potbelly for dropping by! Hopefully i get to achieve my dreams I wanr for myself as well as to my fam.

$ 0.00
2 years ago