New here!

I used to be very scared of writing, knowing I'm not as good as what people around me expects, like technically and overall, so I never had courage to pursue it professionally. It was the biggest mistake I let myself drown to. Looking back, I should've took course related to writing, and improve from there, instead of thinking what kind of judgements will I receive from people around me. Right now, I still write articles on difference sites (more on vents) anonymously. Sometimes when my mind's being crazy, imagining bizarre things about the world that I just can't tell to anybody, coz' they might think I'm weird with these thoughts, I write short fictions about it, cause I might lose my shit if I suppress them. It has always been my way of properly expressing who I am spiritually. Though I can't do it professionally anymore because I'm in a whole different career path right now, I hope I can properly write freely with nothing but passion in mind.

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@Almi posted 3 years ago
