Understand your worth and value your life, appreciate your blessings
Blog #:4
March 24, 2023
Published time: 14:45
Good day everyone, how is your life going? Right at this moment the weather is too much hot, so we should be extra careful, especially with people who have a history of high blood pressure, you should drink more water to avoid a high blood attack, much better to stay in your house if you don't have an important thing to do outside.
Understand your worth and values your life
Did you feel that you're not worth it even if you think that you do everything for your family? I feel that way in the past few weeks, I felt sad when I think that it was not enough, and there are a lot of what-ifs that came to my mind, what if I pursue my dream to become a nurse? what if I didn't obey them and I follow my desire in life? What if I build my own family? What if I'm going abroad again? so many what-ifs right?
That time I felt hopeless, and I'm so down, but that time I scrolled down on my Facebook account, I saw a homeless mother who abandoned their children based on the caption on that post, I felt pity for that woman, I thought I am the most hopeless person, and I realized the value of life that God gives us.
So suddenly I realized my mistakes, and I say sorry to our Almighty God because I know there is a reason behind my pain.
Appreciate your blessings
Be contented if what you have right now whether small things or big, you should appreciate it, before I've seen an actual fight scene they argue for the treasure of their parents, the other one is not contented with his share, and I realized how lucky I am because I don't have any treasure hahaha, only I have is God who is in control of everything.
That's why I ask the guidance of our Almighty God if what is the right path for me, all I have to do is to have faith in him, for his guidance nothing is impossible.
Closing thoughts:
Maybe I'm not the only one who felt this way, with anxiety or depression or what so-ever called that, just put it in your mind there is God much bigger than any anxiety or depression you have right now, all you need to do is just put your kneel down and pray because prayer is a most powerful weapon for us, not only today but for always.
Sometimes all we have to do is trust ourself, and start appreciating what we can do in this lifetime. Each of us has a purpose.