My garden photography

7 5
Hybrid nayan tara

There are nearly 40different flowers in my garden.. This is the one I love most. I dont know why.. Although it has no fragrance.. But its colour is so beautiful that it can attract anyone.

Kat golap

This is another beautiful flower. It has 3 different species.. White, red and pinkish.. I love them all. In my garden it is blooming now. I guess its their season now.

Pea flowers

It has nearly 14 types of species out of them I have 5types.. They produce bean shaped fruit and seeds from them are used to plant new ones. Back then in Thailand and other countries this flowers are used for decorating desserts. These are used as food colours.

Chinese pink

This is the flower which blooms throughout the year.. I love them because when there is no flower in my garden. This flowers will be there. I have 2 species of them. Dark pink and light pink.

Dark pink one...

I have many more flower and vegetables and fruit plants.. I will post them some other day..

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Wow nice work you can upload your Articles here also Daily Agriculture life (50fb)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Beautiful photography. I guess you used mobile phone for these? Keep sharing good stuff and good luck

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hello hehe I hope I have that kind of plants. I want to have a garden also hehe. Your plants is so beautiful, always water them hehe I also like your pictures. I'm waiting on your next article about your other plants hehe.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have garden. I love gardening and many flowers trees. Your article is very nice I really like it this picture thank you for sharing your beautiful article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago