Does A Person Get The Same Amount Of "DNA" From His Mother And Father?

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3 years ago

No, humans have more maternal DNA. In addition to the nucleus of the cell, the mitochondria of the cell also contain DNA, which both the son and the daughter receive from the mother.

In addition, the daughter receives one X chromosome from each mother and father, while the son receives one X and one Y chromosome. The Y chromosome is smaller in terms of the X chromosome. So the proportion of DNA received from the mother in the son becomes even higher.

So we can say that the resemblance of boys in intelligence and in a few other things are more likely to his mother instead of the father.

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3 years ago


wow really? I think of it somehow true because my brother really have more traits from our mother than mine lol thanks for this article, I love this kind of article. I remember how fond I was way back when I first learn about DNA. we are all made with hardwork

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3 years ago