What is Jihad?

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3 years ago

When anyone mentioned the word Jihad, people always tend to see the word to be terrorising and devastating. The word Jihad has been given bad interpretation through out the world. Even fellow Muslims don't want to use it when it comes to preaching about Islam. The word Jihad has been dragged in the mud by the media.

The Media white wash of jihad has gone far to the extent that most non Muslims sees it meaning as holy war. That is, Islam preaches maiming, lynching, terrorising and so many names. Unfortunately, most Muslims when asked what jihad is, they tend to give the general definition tabled by the enemies of Islam and the Western media.

The Western world media have successfully branded Jihad as 'terrorism'. Hence, they have gone too far to say Muslims are the terrorizers of the world. They tagged Islam has a religion of terrorist and point out Jihad as the main propeller of the terrorism in the Islam.

All the same, some Muslims have succeded denouncing the jihad interpretation of the West. while some Muslims danced to the media tunes and ended up distorting the image of the Muslims in the world. As a Muslim, I have to wash out the western stain on the Islamic perspective of Jihad.

Jihad is derived from the word 'Jahada' meaning 'struggle'. It is one of the tenets of Islam that every Muslim must adhere to practice. Allah mentioned the word Jihad in different chapters of the Quran. In Q2 v 116, Q 2 v 190 and others are the verses of the Quran talks about Jihad. Alpha commanded the prophet to stand up and fight for his course. He commended the prophet to wage war against the transgressors and establish the law of Allah on the earth.

During the time and life of the Prophet (SAW), the makkans practiced idolatry, kill female children for the fear of poverty, do illegal intercourse with females, walk naked and fight themselves in frivolous issues. During the jahiliyah period, the world was polluted with corruption and avarice. Hence, Allah sent down the Prophet (SAW) has a guide and the Quran has the law to established justice on earth.

So, the world needs cleansing and the only way to establish Allah's law is to stand against injustice. The Prophet (Saw) in his time fought against injustice and establish the Divine law on earth. Allah commanded the Muslims to fight the disbelievers until Allah's law is established. It is mandatory on every Muslim to establish Allah's law wherever they may find themselves, bury injustice and crucify avarice. Struggling in the way of Allah is Jihad.

Praying, preaching, going to Hajj, standing against injustice and others are forms of Jihad. As a matter of fact, it is a duty that we aught to carry out and it is duty upon us. Let the word of Allah spread on earth, not by sword but by words and practice.

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Avatar for Ali5511
3 years ago


MashAllh ali bhaia you write so well about this.carry on. All mislim should carry the instructions.

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3 years ago

Thanks for clearing this up.I had a wrong interpretation of the jihad,I am not a Muslim just an interested one............

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3 years ago