The Islamic ways of Training a Child.

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No amount of koboko, blaller or dogonyaro stick can discipline a child as much as the word 'fear Allah'. If that sacred word can no longer deter your child from evil, then nothing else will.

*If you want it to have an effect on your child, you need to inculcate the love of Allah and a firm Aqeedah in their innocent hearts right from the cradle. A pregnant woman is highly encouraged to listen to the Quran a lot as the foetus in its third trimester can actually hear the sounds of things around it. If they are familiar with the Quran before birth, they will easily adapt to it after birth*


Whenever you want to discipline your child for a crime, always mention Allah in your warnings, for instance you may say:

Hasn't Allah (not haven't i) warned you not to steal?

Won't you fear Allah and stop lying?

Allah does not love the stubborn ones.

Allah does not love arrogance.

Allah doesn't like dirtiness.

Respect the elders as Allah commanded you.

*Remember how Luqman the wise usually admonishes his son as narrated in the Quran, he never warned his son about himself, rather he warned his son about Allah.* A very good example is:

ﻭَﻻَ ﺗُﺼَﻌّـِﺮْ ﺧَﺪَّﻙَ ﻟِﻠﻨَّﺎﺱِ ﻭَﻻَ* ﺗَﻤْﺶِ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻷَﺭْﺽِ ﻣَﺮَﺣﺎً ﺇِﻥَّ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪَ ﻻَ ﻳُﺤِﺐُّ ﻛُﻞَّ ﻣُﺨْﺘَﺎﻝٍ ﻓَﺨُﻮﺭٍ

*Do not turn your face away from people *and do not walk on the earth arrogantly, for*verily Allah does not love the boastful ones (Luqman Vs 18)*


Many mothers are fond of saying things like:

-I will teach you the lesson of your life today.

-I will make you a scape goat today.

-I didn't kill my parents so you can't kill me too.

-Them send you to me?

-The devil that has possessed you will see shege from me. etc

You are only making the child to fear you, you haven't really mentioned Allah. All these disciplinary statements only makes the child fear you, it doesn't prevent the child from doing that sin in your absence.


Some other parents also think that constant flogging is the best way to raise a child. A time will come when you will grow old and become too weak to flog that same child, your child is growing stronger towards his youth, while you are growing older towards your grave, so a time will come when the whips will not pain the child anymore, rather he might even be laughing while you are flogging him, by then you will realize that you can only bend a leaf and not a tree. Blallers used to have just one 'mouth' in the past. yet it nurtured sane children, but today's blallers has four mouths, yet the society is filled with corrupt children. Nothing rectifies a child like Taqwa, once it's missing, nothing else can replace it, nothing else...

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Religion is a fortress for oneself, and continuing to remind children of everything through religion is one of the very good things. Because this will be a guide for them when they grow up.

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3 years ago

Thanks so much for the comments

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3 years ago